What is the rhetorical proof based in credibility?
Marshall McLuhan
Who is the theorist behind Media Ecology?
George Gerbner
Who is the theorist behind cultivation theory?
Clifford Geertz & Michael Pacanowsky
Who are the theorists credited with the Cultural Approach to Organizations?
Looking-glass self
What is the mental self-image that results from taking the role of the other; the objective self; me?
Kenneth Burke
Who is the theorist behind Dramatism?
Roland Barthes
Who is the theorist behind Semiotics?
What is the concept that describes the influence exerted by media organizations on one another?
Cultural Performances
What are an ensemble of texts and actions by which members of a culture constitute and reveal their culture to themselves and others?
The extent to which a person carefully thinks about issue-relevant arguments contained in persuasive communication.
What is message elaboration?
Narrative Coherence
What is the narrative criteria that asks whether a story "hangs together?"
What is an alternative term for "myth" adopted by Roland Barthes?
Media Agenda
What are the issues selected by news organizations that influence public agendas according to Agenda Setting Theory?
Thick description
What is a record of intertwined layers of common meaning that underlie what a particular people say and do?
Picturing communication as a transfer of meaning by a source sending a message through a channel to a receiver.
What is the transmission model (of communication)?
What is the rhetorical proof based in appeals to emotions, fears, and/or values?
What is a term for speaking out about oppressing and/or linking it to forms of (media) representation?
What are editors and others who determine what issues appear in news coverage?
Stan Deetz
Who is the theorists credited with the Critical Approach to Organizations?
Ongoing tensions between a couple and their community
What are external dialectics?
What is the perspective on reality that views it as a set of logical puzzles to be solved with evidence and reason?
Signifier and Signified
What are the two elements that constitute a sign for semioticians?
Vertical Media
What are media outlets that try to appeal to a broader, more diverse audience?
What is a systematic logic, set of routine practices, and ideology that values control over all other concerns?
The study of the origin, nature, method, and limits of knowledge.
What is epistemology?