Communicator and Message Focused Theories
Conversation Focused Theories
General Theory
Hard Questions
This theory says that people seek harmony between cognitive elements.
What is Cognitive Dissonance Theory
This theory proposes six levels of meaning: content, speech acts, contract, episodes, life scripts, and cultural patterns.
What is Coordinated Management of Meaning
What tests relationships between specific variables?
What is a hypothesis
This theory initially applied only to describe nonverbal communication, but it has since been used to describe verbal communication.
What is EVT
In George Orwell’s novel 1984, the government tries to wipe out “unnecessary” words in the English language. Their belief is that if words like “revolution” and “freedom” and “democracy” do not exist, human beings will never crave those things. Which of the theory would support the government’s position?
What is Theory of linguistic relativity/Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
This theory says the best way to persuade another person is by creating sophisticated, person-centered messages.
What is Constructivism
According to CAT, this miscommunication or way of speaking is generally negatively evaluated as patronizing or demeaning.
What is Overaccommodation
What is one’s sense of ownership of an area or object? We often attempt to defend these areas (like when we sit down at a table in the library or take a seat in the movie theater). For 100 bonus points, name the three areas.
What is Territoriality- Primary (an individual’s exclusive domain; your computer, your room); Secondary (an individual feels an association to this place; the campus library); Public (open to all people; beaches, parks, movie theaters, etc.).
Symbolic Interaction theorizes that we have two “selves.” One wants to drive to San Francisco for the weekend for her sister’s birthday at a karaoke bar even though she knows her voice isn’t great. The other thinks that other people might not appreciate her singing and she probably shouldn’t spend that much money on gas, anyway. Which self is each an example of?
What is I: spontaneous, creative; Me: reflective, socially aware
Explain the difference between constitutive and regulative rules, and name the theory these concepts are part of.
What is Rules that guide how meaning should be interpreted; rules that guide action/behavior; CMM
Name one condition under which Cognitive Dissonance Theory predicts that the magnitude of dissonance will increase
What is Highly important issues OR mutually exclusive attractive alternatives
One theory says that when strangers meet, they want to reduce _______ because ______ is uncomfortable.
What is uncertainty.
One theory talks about the Role Category Questionnaire. Which theory, and what is it?
What is Constructivism, measure of cog complexity
I suspect that violence on television increases the amount of aggression in kids. As a result, I’ve developed a theory that allows me to forecast the situations in which violent portrayals on TV lead to violent behavior in kids. My theory best fulfills this goal of social science theory.
What is Prediction
Explain the difference between ontology, epistemology, and axiology.
What is (Ontology: Nature of reality:,What is real? Subjective vs. Objective Epistemology: What counts as knowledge? Qualitative vs. quantitative knowledge. Axiology: What is the role of values)
This design logic from Constructivism is synonymous with the word “strategic.”
What is rhetorical design logic
In EVT, this term refers to the positive or negative assessment of an unexpected behavior.
What is violation valence
What is the difference between personal meaning and interpersonal meaning?
What is Personal: meaning achieved when someone brings unique experiences to interpretation; Interpersonal: meaning achieved when two people agree on each other’s interpretations of an interaction).
A _____ theory attempts to explain all of a phenomenon (for example, communication behavior) while a ______ theory attempts to explain a limited aspect of a phenomenon.
What is Grand, narrow
Explain the difference between heurism and logical consistency.
What is Heurism: the amount of new research and thinking stimulated by the theory; logical consistency: the logic in the theoretical statements/the level to which the theory is clear and not contradictory
A couple of years ago I completed the LA marathon, and I was so proud of myself because I had trained for months upon months with great discipline and motivation. Last year, however, I only made it about halfway though. It’s not a big deal, though – it was raining, and a very windy day, and they had set up the route so that it took place mainly on slippery roads and through wind tunnels. This attribution bias is called:
What is the Self-serving bias. I’m attributing my success to internal factors and my failure to external factors
According to EVT, our expectations are formed by these three influences.
What are Context, Relationship, and Individual Communicator Characteristics
One type of self-fulfilling prophecy in which negative labels create situations where predictions of failure come true.
What is Pygmalion effect
When conducting research in the Communication department, we typically start by looking at theories, then create hypotheses from those theories, then observe human interaction, and then make empirical generalizations. Name this process and the paradigm that would usually use this process.
What is Deduction; objective/social scientific/positivistic
What is your TA's favorite television show?
What is Survivor