Decisions as a Researcher
Ethics as a Researcher
Research Lingo
Writing Structure & Measurement

There is one specific position from which to observe human behavior. (T/F)

FALSE. There is not one best standpoint to observe communication (it’s too complex: source, message, channel, receiver, noise, context [Shannon & Weaver, 1949] to study in isolation)


Deception is sometimes necessary in research. (T/F)

TRUE. Deception is sometimes necessary (ex. medical placebos), however it must be justified


What is a two-tailed hypothesis?

There is a relationship between variables, but we do not know what that relationship is.


A literature review should only contain references to articles that back up your claims. (T/F)

FALSE - the literature review should contain a mixture of articles on the topic to also recognize and discuss opposing viewpoints.


A Likert Scale measures contrasting adjectives.

FALSE - A Semantic Differential Scale measures contrasting adjectives.


Define action research

research to specifically improve the live's of people


It is ethical to take information from a “private” support group on Facebook where you might be a member. (T/F)

FALSE - a private group online holds the same boundaries as a private group in person. Would it be ethical to listen in on private conversations (or look at a phone over their shoulder) and then publicly publish results? No. 


What does a one-tailed hypothesis tell us? 

The researcher commits to predicting the direction of the relationship.


Male or Female, Christian or Buddhist, Area Codes: are all examples of which type of measurement

Nominal: these are categories that are either equal or not equal. 


Do inferential stats or descriptive stats help us make probability-based inferences about a wider population?

Inferential stats help us make generalizations!

Descriptive Statistics describe and summarize the data from the research sample 


Define 3 ideas to keep in mind when developing a research question. (A research question should be...)

- attainable 

- achievable 

- manageable


Explain debriefing during communication research. 

If you have deceived participants, you must explain the deception after the study during debriefing when the participant's part in the study has concluded.

(Ex. tell them they took a placebo, tell them the news article they read was a fake, etc.)


What does a null hypothesis tell us?

The researcher commits that there is no relationship between variables.


One, Two, Three / Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior / Rank your favorite restaurants. 

These are examples of which type of measurement?

Ordinal: Equal or not equal but can be ordered


___ is the process of reducing large amounts of raw data into manageable (smaller) categories to make the data more comprehensible.

Data Reduction


Advertising executives, public relations professionals, and companies are focused on ____ communication for professional outcomes.

*applied* communication 


What is the IRB (name and responsibilities)?

"Under FDA regulations, an Institutional Review Board is group that has been formally designated to review and monitor biomedical research involving human subjects. In accordance with FDA regulations, an IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in (to secure approval), or disapprove research." - FDA


What type of research focuses on quantifying the collection of data and conducting an analysis of data.

Quantitative Research


Key purposes of the literature review include...

(Name at least 3) 

1 - demonstrate knowledge of the topic 

2 - inform the reader of the 'gap' of knowledge where your research will fit into the conversation

3 - tell the reader about any common themes or theories found in the previous research 

4 - discuss how previous scholars have conducted studies in relation to your research, to lay the ground work for why you have chosen your specific type of method that you plan to conduct 


What are the three measures of central tendency?

Mean, Median, Mode 


For public opinion research, ___ are used to answer the questions that the researcher thinks are important, while ____ capture opinions that the audience think are important.

For public opinion research, SURVEYS are used to answer the questions that the researcher thinks are important, while FOCUS GROUPS capture opinions that the audience think are important.


What are the three basic ethical principles, as defined by The Belmont Report?

Autonomy – informed consent, treated with respect, diminished autonomy are entitled to protection 

Beneficence -  human subjects will not be harmed 

Justice – benefits outweigh the risks


Type of research that focusses on collecting, analyzing, and interpreting non-numerical data, such as language.

Qualitative Research


What does a Likert Scale measure?

It assesses participant's opinions, attitudes, or behaviors.


Name the 5 types of surveys AND the 4 ways of formatting survey questions. 

5 types of surveys: Face-to-face, telephone, mail, online, mobile 

4 ways to format survey questions: Open-ended, dichotomous, multiple-choice, scale questions