Semicolon Rules
Fix that Sentence (Semicolons)
Comma Rules
Fix that Sentence (Commas)

Each independent statement connected by a semicolon must be a/an BLANK on its own. 

What is a complete sentence? 


The tacos were so yummy I loved the hot sauce. 

What is "The tacos were so yummy; I loved the hot sauce." ? 


Do you need commas to separate the words when reading a long list? 

You need commas to separate a list. 


Tim wants to go to the mall but I want to go to the park. 

Tim wants to go to the mall, but I want to go to the park. 

Do you need a semicolon to connect two unrelated clauses?
No, you should split the clauses into different sentences or reword the clauses.

John's paper is due tomorrow he has to work overtime. 

John's paper is due tomorrow; he has to work overtime. 


Commas come before what kind of clause or phrase? 

What is an introductory clause? 

This Tuesday for my birthday we will eat cake and go mini golfing. 

This Tuesday, for my birthday, we will eat cake and go mini golfing. 


Does this sentence need a semicolon? Why or why not?

I want to go ice skating; my dog has a green collar. 

No, the semicolon is not needed because the clauses are not related. 


I had never seen a penguin therefore, I went to the zoo! 

I had never seen a penguin; therefore, I went to the zoo! 


Commas separate independent clauses when a conjunction joins them. What are examples of a conjunction 

What is For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So 

On Halloween I saw zombies aliens and vampires. 

On Halloween I saw zombies, aliens, and vampires. 


Examples of conjunctive adverbs that link two independent statements. You will use a semicolon between the statements. 

What is however, therefore, or moreover 


I love swimming however it is too cold to swim outside. 

I love swimming; however, it is too cold to swim outside. 

When a clause is in the middle of a sentence, how many commas would you use to separate it from the rest of the sentence? 

2 commas (one at the beginning of the clause and one at the end) 


While I was eating outside it started raining. 

While I was eating outside, it started raining. 


When can you replace a comma with a semicolon? 

When you are using a conjunction to link independent clauses that already use a comma 


I need roses, daisies, and tulips from the flower shop pizza and popcorn from Publix and balloons from Party City.

I need roses, daisies, and tulips from the flower shop; pizza and popcorn from Publix; and balloons from Party City.


Does this sentence need a comma? Why or why not? 

The baby wearing a blue shirt is my brother

No the sentence does not need a comma since wearing a blue shirt is an essential part of the sentence 


My dad who has very blonde hair is taller than my brother. 

My dad, who has very blonde hair, is taller than my brother.