What is God protecting in the 4th Commandment?
His representatives.
In every bodily need.
How long does God desire marriage to last?
For life.
What is God protecting in the 7th Commandment?
His gift of possessions.
What does it mean to covet?
A craving or sinful desire for something God doesn't want us to have.
When can we disobey those in authority over us?
When they ask us to do something contrary to his word.
What is God protecting in the 5th Commandment?
The gift of human life.
God hates divorce.
What is God protecting in the 8th Commandment?
God's gift of a good name.
How do we win the battle within us between the sinful desires and holy desires?
By growing in faith in Jesus.
What is the purpose of disicpline?
To keep us from falling under God's punishment in hell.
What will happen to anyone who murders me?
He will have to answer to God.
What is God protecting in the 6th Commandment?
God's gift of marriage.
What does God want us to be as we use our possessions from him?
Responsible caretakers.
What is the "distinction" between these two commandments?
9th is house. 10th is wife, workers, animals, etc.
How does God want us to honor those in authority ("Obey them in a spirit of...")?
Love and respect.
Who alone has the right to end life (2 answers)?
God, God's representatives in government.
What are the three blessings of marriage?
Companionship, sexual happiness, children.
What are the three ways we noted that God gives us our possessions?
Earnings from employment, gifts, inheritance.
What are the 3 things we noted about our new heart?
Given by God through faith in Jesus, knows and loves God's will, enables me to have holy desires.
What are the 3 groups of representatives God has placed over us?
Home, church, government.
Why is my life important (2 answers)?
It's a precious gift given to me by God, it's the time for me to come to faith in Jesus.
What are the two "Scriptural reasons" for divorce?
Marital unfaithfulness and desertion.
What are the 5 different ways we noted that god wants us to use our possessions?
Family, church, needy, enjoyment, taxes.
What are the 4 things we noted about our sinful heart?
Leads to sinful thoughts/words/actions, is inclined only toward evil, will never submit to God's law, deserves God's punishment.