This is the inbox that combines are located in.
What does DACH stand for?
What is...Drug and Alcohol Clearning House
What is the form number on a medical certificate?
What is... MCSA 5876
These are typically completed during which task?
What is... HQ Duty
What is the code drivers need to complete their fingerprinting process with Indentigo?
What is...11BS2V
We combine records in which way, new-old or old-new?
What is....Old into New
What three countries can we search for a customer in the Dach Portal?
What is...US, Canada and Mexico
This is the number of days we have to comply with FMCSA standards for entering medcerts.
What is 10 days.
Which conviction must be completed in a CMV to be considered for a subsequent enforcement?
What is...Driving while license invalid
Fingerprints for Hazmat applications only last this long?
What is...90 days
What needs to be removed off the record before a combine is processed and replaced after the transaction is complete?
What is...the PDPS and CDLIS pointers
SAP stands for?
What is...Substance Abuse Provider
This is the number of medcerts that should be completed per hour.
What is...25-35
What is...Alcohol related offenses
What is the fingerprinting system that will be replacing ADB?
what is...UEP
Under which drop down menu on DLS can you find the button to combine a record?
What is...The Misc tab
What is...Requested record not found
This is the website that helps us to locate doctors, physicians or anyone's info that is missing on medcerts.
What is...The FMCSA National Registry
Can convictions be deleted when working disquals?
What is....Yes if they are duplicates
This box must be checked on Hazmat applications for them to be processed.
What is...Eligible for immigration
What is the total number of combines currently waiting to be processed?
What is...1695
What is the information reqired on the identification receipt when completing a Dach upgrade?
What is... the downgrade date
the return to duty date
upgrade date
Accompanied by a waiver is only filled out on DLS in the medcert tab if a driver has what restriction?
What is...A V restriction or medical variance
When a customer receives this letter, they are able to still request a hearing?
What is a Notice of Disqualification
What is... TXHAZ000Z