Jesus and You
Jesus is Our Friend
Help from the Lord
Optional Inspirational Song about Friendship with Jesus

Who is the answer to every human longing?

Jesus is the answer to every human longing.


Which gospel's bible verse lets us, disciples of Christ, know that Jesus both invites you to friendship and defines the true meaning of friendship at the Last Supper. 

John 15:13-16


By whose grace alone are we able to endure the sufferings of life?

It is by Jesus’ grace alone.


Sing This Song!

A friend of Jesus oh what bliss That one so weak as I Should ever have a Friend like this To lead me to the sky A friend of Jesus oh what bliss That One so weak as I Should ever have a Friend like this To lead me to the sky


Through the reception of the Eucharist, who do you become one with?

Jesus Christ.


Why has Jesus has chosen you to be his friend?

Because a friendship with Christ has a profound impact on every aspect of your life. To be friends with Jesus, your life must change.


Why does Jesus care about every detail of our lives, even those aspects that may seem unimportant.

Because he is the Son of God, the Messiah.


Is friendship with Jesus an average relationship, similar to those with your peers?

No, friendship with Jesus Christ is unlike any human friendship.