Native Americans
European Settlers
South Carolina Colony
Governing Colonies

What was the method that the Native Americans used to clear fields to farm?

Slash & Burn


Which of the following was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?



Which of the following characteristics would distinguish South Carolina as a southern colony?

large plantations growing cash crops


What was the primary reason the Carolina colonists became unhappy with the Lord Proprietors?

They felt they were paying rent but getting little protection from the proprietors.


Which immigrant group contributed to the growth of the economy with their knowledge of rice and cattle?



Associate the area of South Carolina with the Eastern Woodland tribe that lived in that region (Where did each tribe lived): Yamassee, Catawba, Cherokee

Coastal Zone - Yamassee

Piedmont - Catawba

Blue Ridge Mountains - Cherokee


How did the London Company attract immigrants and help promote the establishment of large tobacco plantations in Virginia?

The company created the headright method which gave people coming to the New World land


What caused the increase in the white population in the backcountry in the later part of the 17th century?

The royal government encouraged settlement of the backcountry.


Which colonies had the greatest diversity of people and religions?

Middle Colonies


What was the result of the Stono Rebellion?

The Slave Codes were strengthened to control slave life.


Why were Native Americans not used as slaves by South Carolina planters?

Native Americans could easily escape into familiar territory.


Eliza Lucas Pinckney is credited with introducing which cash crop to South Carolina?



When South Carolina was founded as a proprietary colony, how did the proprietors try to make a profit?

charged the colonists a quitrent on the land


What was established by the following documents: Mayflower Compact, Virginia Charter, and the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina?

Early self-government in the American colonies


The Gullah culture of slaves developed along the coast, maintaining part of the African culture due to what reason?

Enslaved people lived in isolation due to the geography of the Sea Islands


Which of the following damaged the relationship between the Native Americans and the European settlers?
Choose 2 answers that apply.

- Europeans took over Native American land.

- Native Americans were enslaved by Europeans


The colonization of Carolina by settlers from Barbados established a plantocracy, which means which of the following?

A society based on the plantation owning elite being in charge.


What was the primary goal of mercantilism for the mother country during the colonial period?

The mother country controlled trade and exported more than it imported


Which social group had greater representation in the legislative assembly in the Carolina colony?

The elite


What led to the importation of more slaves in South Carolina during the late 17th Century?

The growing demand for both rice and indigo.


What was the Eastern Woodland name given to corn, squash, and pole beans?

Three Sisters


Which of the following was the General Assembly's response to the Regulator Movement?

Seven circuit courthouses were set up around the colony to provide justice


Read the quote below.

"If we want to keep order, we have to take the law into our own hands...."

In colonial South Carolina, the quote above best represents the views of which of the following individuals?

a Regulator 


What effect did England's practice of salutary neglect have on South Carolina?

economy developed without interference from the mother country


Read the quote below.

" person whatsoever shall permit or suffer any go out of the plantation to which the slave belongs...without a letter superscribed and directed..."

The slave code referenced above controlled which of the following aspects of slavery?

the ability to travel off the plantation