6.2B - Context Clues
6.5F - Inferences
6.6D Summarizing
Literary Terms

If the context clues cannot help you find the meaning of the word, what can you use?

What is the dictionary


How can the reader tell that the narrator may be afraid while swimming in the estuary?

a. I settle into the water and began swimming.

b. No, I don't want to think about how deep the water is or what could be under it.

c. I look back at Duncan.

d. I put down my towel and walk to the water.

What is "b. No, I don't want to think about how deep the water is or what could be under it".


What other evidence would suggest the narrator is afraid to be swimming in the estuary?


What is the purpose of the B.M.E method?

What is "to help formulate or select the best summary that has a BEGINNING, MIDDLE AND END from the story"


Who is the main character of the selection? How do you know?

What is " the narrator because he's the person facing the conflict".


How do you make a good inference?

What is "you combine your prior knowledge (schema) with text clues to make a educated and logical guess!"

Text Clues + Prior Knowledge = Inference


What does the word estuary mean in paragraph 9?

a. the sandbar

b. a body of water

c. an American sandwich

d. a shark

What is  "b. a body of water".


What does the narrator's thoughts in paragraph 27-29 suggest about him?

a. He loves the water.

b. He would rather not be swimming in the estuary.

c. He enjoys getting a tan on the beach.

d. Duncan is his best friend.

What is "b. He would rather not be swimming in the estuary".


What is the best summary of paragraphs 7 through 11?

a. A man wrestled a shark by its tail away from his kids.

b. The narrator becomes tired while swimming to the sandbar.

c. The narrator feels fear and fatigue when recalling a local shark incident

What is "c. The narrator feel fear and fatigue when recalling a local shark incident."


Which event contributes most to the narrator's internal conflict in the story?

a. When Duncan tells him to go out and swim.

b. When he remembers the story about a shark being in those same waters a week before?

c. When he can no longer see Duncan sitting on the beach.

d. When his heart stopped beating so fast.

 What is "b. when he remembers the story about a shark being in those same waters a week before."


How many stages is the plot composed of?

What is "5 Stages"


Name all 5 stages!!!


Which words from paragraph 6 help the reader understand the meaning of the word channel?

a. I think about where

b. the boat is heading 

c. I change direction

d. worry it all

What "b. is the boat is heading".


Based on the information in paragraph 19 the reader can conclude that the narrator -

a. is a better swimmer than Duncan

b. wishes he was at home relaxing

c. is proud of himself 

d. is mad because he couldn't see the shirt very well

What is "c. is proud of himself".


What is the best summary of paragraphs 27-32?

a. The narrator would rather be anywhere but the water. He finally makes it to land and he's ecstatic he completed the swim.

b. The narrator jumped out of the water as soon as he felt the sand between his toes.

c. The narrator felt like a shark would attack him if he didn't hurry up and swim to the sandbar.

d. The narrator wished he could be on the beach having fun with all his friends, bu instead he decided to complete a stupid water challenge.

What is "a. The narrator would rather be anywhere but the water. He finally makes it to land and he's ecstatic he completed the swim."


The plot of the story is centered around -

a. the narrator's fear of water

b. The conflict between Duncan and the narrator

c. the force of the tide coming in

d. the narrator's determination to swim out to the sandbar

What is "d. the narrator's determination to swim out to the sandbar".


How would you define theme?

What is "The moral or message in a story."


What is the meaning of the word tread in paragraph 15?

a. to keep body upright

b. the top surface

c. part of the tire

d. to run fast

What is "a. to keep the body upright".


How can the reader tell that the narrator was no longer feeling anxiety from what could be awaiting him in the water?

a. My arms are going faster through the water.

b. My arms and legs feel heavy.

c. I must be nearly halfway.

d. My heart stops pounding in my ears so much.

What is "d. my heart stops pounding in my ears so much".


What details would  be included in a summary of paragraph 1 through 5?

a. The narrator thinks about where the boat is going.

b. The narrator wants to swim the estuary.

c. The narrator changed direction .

d. The narrator feels the sun on his back.

What is "b. the narrator wants to swim the estuary".


Why does the narrator think about how much bigger and stronger he is then the fish and how much swim training he has?

a. He's trying to take his mind off of his fear of what may be in the water.

b. He's cocky and thinks he can out swim a shark.

c. He's a professional swimmer and knows he can out swim any fish.

d. He enjoys the study of marine biology.

What is "a. He's trying to take his mind off of his fear of what may be in the water."


The person the story is centered around is known as the - 

What is "Main character".


Which words from paragraph 10 help the reader understand the meaning of the word immense?

a. how deep the water is

b. bitter mouthful

c. anything could be

d. through the water

What is "a.  how deep the water is".


 What does the information in paragraphs 2 through 4 suggest about the narrator?

a. The narrator wanted to show his friend he wasn't afraid.

b. The narrator was trying to cool off from the hot sun.

c. The narrator wanted to prove everyone wrong.

d. The narrator wanted to be alone, so he swam to the other side of the estuary.

What is " a. the narrator wanted to show his friend he wasn't afraid".


What is the best summary of the story?

a. The narrator wants to swim the estuary to the sandbar. He sets out on the swim but recalls a story about a shark being in the waters a week before. He feels fear and anxiety during the swim, but ends up completing the task.

b. The narrator decided to swim out to the sandbar on a dare from his friend.  He realizes he swam out to far and the tide starts to pull him away from his destination. He was glad when his foot touched the sand.

c. A shark almost attacked a group of kids while fishing in the estuary. The narrator ended up saving them because he was a great swimmer.

d. The narrator was determine to swim out to the sandbar. He stopped to think about what he was doing ans decided it would be fun to do.  He walked out to the water's edge and jumped in. He could only see a blur of Duncan when he turned to see how far he had swam.

What is "a."


Select one of the wrong answers and explain why it isn't a good summary.


Which sentence expresses the turning point in the story?

a. I think where the boat is heading up the channel.

b. I walk to the water's edge .

c. My heart stops pounding in my ears so much.

d. Something is wrong.

What is "c. My hearts stop pounding in my ears so much."


What are the last 2 stages of the plot and what happens during these stages?

What is "Falling Action & Resolution, eases the tension in story, shows how the main character solved the problem, reveals how everything turned out."   ( ANSWERS MAY VARY)