.2B - Context Clues/Vocabulary
.2F - Inferences
Main Idea/Sup details
Author's craft/choice of language

At her mother's gentle prodding, Carmen picked up her shopping bags and reluctantly tore her eyes away from the colorful mural. She, Luis, and her mother and father were going to make a night of it down on the San Antonio River Walk.

In paragraph 4, the word reluctantly means - 

A. effortlessly.

B. unwillingly.

C. eagerly.

D. badly.

What is B. unwillingly.


Your brain senses movement by getting signals from your inner ears, eyes, muscles, and joints. When it receives signals that do not match, you can get motion sickness. For example, inside a large ship your inner ear senses motion, but your eyes cannot tell you are moving. Motion sickness can start suddenly, with a queasy feeling and cold sweats, and then lead to dizziness and nausea.

According to the passage, motion sickness is caused by-

A. an inability to see one's surroundings.

B.  a mismatch of sensory signals

C. a queasy feeling and cold sweats

D. dizziness and nausea

What is B.  a mismatch of sensory signals


When studying insects, it's important to understand what they look like, how they behave, where they live, and how they reproduce. Insects make up the largest group of species on the globe. There are four times more insects than there are all other creatures combined. Insects come in all sizes. The largest are as big as small birds, and the tiniest are so miniscule that a pile of a thousand would still be no bigger than a single pea.  

What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) There is a wide variety of insect species.
(B) Insects have several parts to their bodies.
(C) The largest insects are as big as small birds.
(D) The study of insects includes many considerations.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Which sentence is the TOPIC sentence?

Name one detail that proves the main idea

What is D. (D) The study of insects includes many considerations.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Which sentence is the TOPIC sentence?

Sentence 1

Name one detail that proves the main idea:

Insects come in all sizes (largest=small birds/ Smallest= single pea)


An earth-sheltered house is built below grade or completely underground. These homes are less susceptible to the impact of extreme outdoor air temperatures than a conventional house. Earth-sheltered houses also require less outside maintenance, and the earth surrounding the house provides soundproofing. In addition, plans for most earth-sheltered houses "blend" the building into the landscape more harmoniously than a conventional home. Finally, earth-sheltered houses can cost less to insure because they offer extra protection against high winds, hailstorms, and natural disasters such as tornados and hurricanes.

The purpose of this passage is to

A. Persuade the reader against earth-sheltered houses.

B. discuss the construction of earth-sheltered houses

C. explain the benefits of earth-sheltered houses

D. describe the aesthetics of earth-sheltered houses

What is C. explain the benefits of earth-sheltered houses


After dinner, they walked to the open-air theater to see a Ballet Folklorico performance. The Mexican folk music started, and the dancers twirled out in their traditional costumes. The women carried fans, and their long ruffled dresses were amazingly colorful. Carmen clapped in delight. "I'm going to draw them with my new pastels," she told her mother with satisfaction.

The word "pastels" in paragraph above means - 

A. paints in a paintbox.

B. black pencils.

C. pale colors such as light pinks.

D. crayons that come in many colors.

What is C. pale colors such as light pinks.


Read this sentence.

Sylvia sat in the sunshine with an expression on her face half mirthful, half melancholy, as she looked backward to the girlhood just ended, and forward to the womanhood just beginning, for on that midsummer day, she was eighteen. Voices roused her from her reverie, and, looking up, she saw her brother approaching with two friends, their neighbor Geoffrey Moor and his guest Adam Warwick. Her first impulse was to throw down her work and run to meet them, her second to remember her new dignity and sit still, awaiting them.

It can be inferred that Sylvia thinks that, as a young woman, she should-

A. no longer sit outside in the summer

B. run to meet guests while they come visit

C. keep the home while her brother travels

D. exercise greater control over her emotions.

What is D. exercise greater control over her emotions.


The most important skill needed to become a true woodsman is a sense of direction. The best way to develop this is through practice, but, honestly, some of it is innate. Some people just have a natural sense of direction and have no problem finding their way in practically any situation.

Others, however, don't have such natural skill and never will. It has nothing to do with one's level of intelligence and everything to do with a natural, innate sense. Someone on vacation could pick it up in a weekend, but others could spend years in the woods and never figure it out. It's a gift, a talent. If we have it, we can become the greatest of travelers. 

According to the passage, which of the following is true?

(A) A sense of direction comes naturally to some people.
(B) Surviving in the wilderness depends completely on talent alone.
(C) A sense of direction is only important in camping.
(D) A sense of direction cannot be developed.  

Double Jeopardy: What is the main idea?

What is

(A) A sense of direction comes naturally to some people.



The Landsat Program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth's land in existence. Since 1972, Landsat satellites have collected measurements of Earth's continents and surrounding coastal regions that have enabled people to study forests, food production, water and land use, ecosystems, geology, and more. The long data record allows scientists to evaluate the dynamic changes caused by both natural processes and human practices. 

A. To discuss scientific opinion of the Landset program

B. To expose government involvement in the landsat program

C. To characterize difficulties faced by the landsat program

D. To educate readers on the many components of the Landsat program's records

What is D. To educate readers on the many components of the Landsat program's records


Read this sentence:

Instead, they hunt for clues that disclose how animals lived long ago.

What does the word disclose mean?

A. Hide

B. Make known

C. Throw away

D. Confess

What is B. Make known.


Immediately after the Russian Civil War, fighting led to food scarcity, and a severe drought led to a famine that was the worst disaster to strike Europe since the Middle Ages. In July 1921, famed writer Maxim Gorky issued a plea for help to save millions of Russian lives by providing food and medicine. Gorky's appeal did not mention the Revolution or the Soviet government, emphasizing instead the plight of the Russian people. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover read Gorky's statement in a newspaper. Hoover was already credited with saving more lives than anyone else in history as the result of his work in Europe during and after World War I. Now he believed it was his and America's duty to once again mount a massive relief effort to save Russian people. Once aid started, 11 million people were fed each day out of 19,000 kitchens. It was the largest relief effort in the world up to that point, surpassing even the relief work of WW1. Hoover used the occasion to help American farmers who were suffering from deflated prices and strike a blow against international Communism by building goodwill for the U.S.

It can be inferred that Hoover was- 

A. uninterested in the day-to-day suffering of ordinary people

B. an able administrator with a genuine concern for people.

C. primarily a politician interested in running for president.

D. a long-term supporter of the Russian government

B. an able administrator with a genuine concern for people.


Dogs have the ability to "read" human emotions. For example, dogs have been shown to discriminate between humans who approach in a friendly manner as opposed to a threatening one. They also respond more positively to rewards such as petting and positive verbalizations. Canines can also distinguish between a smiling face, a neutral one, and faces with expressions between happiness and disgust. Amazingly, they can use this information to find food. Lastly, dogs have been known to recognize sad reactions in people and are more likely to approach a crying person compared with someone who is speaking or singing.

This passage is primarily about how dogs 

A. prefer to approach humans with a nuetral face.

B. receive the most food from humans who are disgusted.

C. feel sympathy for humans

D. are aware of human emotions

What is D. are aware of human emotions


The Landsat Program provides the longest continuous space-based record of Earth's land in existence. Since 1972, Landsat satellites have collected measurements of Earth's continents and surrounding coastal regions that have enabled people to study forests, food production, water and land use, ecosystems, geology, and more. The long data record allows scientists to evaluate the dynamic changes caused by both natural processes and human practices. 

A. critical

B. objective


D. intimate

DOUBLE Jeopardy: Why are the other choices WRONG

What is C.optimistic


One scorching morning in late summer, Terrill was again peering at the dinosaur tracks in the riverbed. The water was low, making it a perfect day to look at the footprints. Terrill followed the huge, three-toed, clawed prints, which looked like they hand been embedded deeply in cement. Farther along, he saw some muddy tennis-shoe tracks. I wonder who else has been exploring around here, he thought.

What does embedded mean in the paragraph above?

A. Sunken in

B. Raised up

C. Covered up

D. Pulled from

What is A. Sunken in.


Immediately after the Russian Civil War, fighting led to food scarcity, and a severe drought led to a famine that was the worst disaster to strike Europe since the Middle Ages. In July 1921, famed writer Maxim Gorky issued a plea for help to save millions of Russian lives by providing food and medicine. Gorky's appeal did not mention the Revolution or the Soviet government, emphasizing instead the plight of the Russian people. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover read Gorky's statement in a newspaper. Hoover was already credited with saving more lives than anyone else in history as the result of his work in Europe during and after World War I. Now he believed it was his and America's duty to once again mount a massive relief effort to save Russian people. Once aid started, 11 million people were fed each day out of 19,000 kitchens. It was the largest relief effort in the world up to that point, surpassing even the relief work of WW1. Hoover used the occasion to help American farmers who were suffering from deflated prices and strike a blow against international Communism by building goodwill for the U.S

According to the passage, the famine in Russia was the result of-

A. natural and political causes

B. natural disaster

C. government mismanagement

D. American indifference

What is A. natural and political causes


Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and the founder of homeopathy, began as a village doctor and quickly became dissatisfied with how medicine was practiced during his time. He argued that doctors had no right to prescribe remedies they had not tried themselves. Hahnemann's ideas inspired many medical practitioners. Among his supporters after his death were those who belonged to the American Provers' Union, a group that aimed to attain medical knowledge through firsthand experience. Built into this quest was a disregard for the dangers of self-experimentation. 

 This passage is mostly about

A. the origins of homeopathy

B. the effects of self-experimentation

C. a group of doctors who believed in testing remedies on themselves

D. a scientist who warned of the dangers associated with American provers' union.

What is C. a group of doctors who believed in testing remedies on themselves


Dogs have the ability to "read" human emotions. For example, dogs have been shown to discriminate between humans who approach in a friendly manner as opposed to a threatening one. They also respond more positively to rewards such as petting and positive verbalizations. Canines can also distinguish between a smiling face, a neutral one, and faces with expressions between happiness and disgust. Amazingly, they can use this information to find food. Lastly, dogs have been known to recognize sad reactions in people and are more likely to approach a crying person compared with someone who is speaking or singing.

The author's purpose in writing the passage is most likely to

 A. Inform

B. Entertain

C. Persuade

D. motivate

B. Inform


The Mall of the Emirates boasts the best fashion choices for the region. There are over 500 retail stores in the mall. Among them are the top luxury designers, opulent home furnishings, and high-end department stores.

Which of the following words in paragraph 3 help the reader to understand that opulent means "characterized by wealth or abundance"?

A. Retail, department stores

B. Fashion, region

C. Over 500, mall

D. Luxury, high-end

What is D. Luxury, high end


Immediately after the Russian Civil War, fighting led to food scarcity, and a severe drought led to a famine that was the worst disaster to strike Europe since the Middle Ages. In July 1921, famed writer Maxim Gorky issued a plea for help to save millions of Russian lives by providing food and medicine. Gorky's appeal did not mention the Revolution or the Soviet government, emphasizing instead the plight of the Russian people. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover read Gorky's statement in a newspaper. Hoover was already credited with saving more lives than anyone else in history as the result of his work in Europe during and after World War I. Now he believed it was his and America's duty to once again mount a massive relief effort to save Russian people. Once aid started, 11 million people were fed each day out of 19,000 kitchens. It was the largest relief effort in the world up to that point, surpassing even the relief work of WW1. Hoover used the occasion to help American farmers who were suffering from deflated prices and strike a blow against international Communism by building goodwill for the U.S

It can be inferred that Gorky's call for assistance-

A. came directly from Russian government

B. was addressed to Hoover urging him to take action

C. was made anonymously due to fear of reprisal

D.was made by him as a private citizen

What is D.was made by him as a private citizen


Jefferson Davis was an unusual man. During a long and frequently tragic life, his favorite job, according to his wife Varina, was serving as a U.S. Senator from Mississippi from 1847 to 1851 and again from 1857 to 1861. During these relatively peaceful days, Davis made his reputation as an outspoken and eloquent advocate of slavery and states' rights, building up the résumé that later helped make him President of the Confederacy: the role that has defined his place in history.

This passage is primarily about

A. Jefferson Davis' relationship with his wife

B. A confederate's opinions on slavery

C. The life of Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis 

D. The influence of the president of the Confederacy.

What is C. The life of Mississippi Senator Jefferson Davis


Stephen Mitchell suffered from allergies. A thirty-five-year-old professor at Syracuse University, he found sanctuary in the temperature-controlled environment of the school's computer center, where he surprised many people by showing how computers could be used to advance work in the humanities.

Each year, the Modern Language Association compiled a bibliography of every book, article, and review published during the year prior. Mitchell thought he could automate the process, and MLA agreed to let him try. He spent weeks translating the names of editors, translators, and authors into punch cards and writing the program to interpret the data. Then it was all over in twenty-three minutes. That's how long it took the computer to compile and print the index, which ran to 18,001 entries.

The author of this passage writes with a tone that is mostly

A. serious

B. sarcastic

C. Admiring

D. critical

What is C. Admiring