1st Six Weeks 1
1st Six Weeks 2
Forces and Newton's Laws 1
Forces and Newton's Laws 2
Forces and Newton's Laws 3
The slope of a displacement vs. time graph is equal to this.
What is velocity/speed.
A change in velocity over a period of time.
What is acceleration.
The tendency of an object to maintain its state of motion.
What is inertia.
For every force there is an ______ ___ _______ force.
What is equal and opposite.
A net force will cause a mass to ________ .
What is accelerate.
The slope of a velocity vs. time graph is equal to this.
What is acceleration.
Mary walks a distance of 50 meters in 32 seconds. This is her speed. (INCLUDE UNITS!!)
What is 1.56 m/s.
I push a crate with a mass of 54 kg and it accelerates at a rate of 10 m/s/s. With what force am I pushing?
What is 540 N.
A 2500 kg crate is moving to the right at a constant speed of 5.67 m/s. This is the net force acting on the crate.
What is 0 N.
A shoe with a mass of 5 kg is sitting on the floor. This is the magnitude AND direction of the normal force acting on the shoe.
What is 49.05 N up.
Jason has an initial velocity of 20 m/s, an acceleration of 4 m/s^2 and is traveling for 30 seconds. What is his final velocity at the end of the 30 second period?
What is 140 m/s.
Starting from rest, Elizabeth accelerates to a speed of 30 m/s in 5 seconds. What is her acceleration?
What is 6 m/s^2
An elephant has a mass of 1000 kg. What is the weight of the elephant?
What is 9810 N.
The weight of my cell phone is 2 kg. This is the mass.
What is 0.2 N.
The mass of my purse is 5 kg. What is my weight.
What is 49.05 N.
Initially a football is kicked at an angle with an x-component of velocity equal to 25 m/s and a y-component of velocity equal to 13 m/s. What is the x-component of velocity at the TOP of the trajectory, and what is the y-component of velocity at the TOP of the trajectory?
What is vx = 25 m/s, vy = 0 m/s
In projectile motion, the horizontal acceleration is always _____, and the vertical acceleration is always _______.
What is 0 m/s^2, -9.81 m/s^2.
There is a force of friction of 30 N acting on a moving car. The weight of the car is 100 N. What is the coefficient of friction?
What is 0.3
My car has a mass of 200 kg. As it is moving, the coefficient of friction between the car and the road is .12. What is the force of friction acting on my car?
What is 235.44 N.
I have a mass of 55 kg. This is the normal force that the ground exerts on me as I stand.
What is 539.55 N.
I roll a bowling ball with an initial velocity of 10 m/s. The ball travels a distance of 250 m, and it takes 20 seconds to do this. What is the bowling ball's acceleration?
What is 0.25 m/s^2.
Paul is traveling down the road with an initial velocity of 30 m/s. He is accelerating at a rate of 2 m/s^2 and travels a distance of 100 m. What is his velocity at the end of his 100 m journey? (round to the nearest whole number)
What is 36 m/s.
An applied force of 60 N is used to accelerate an object to the right across a frictional surface. The object encounters 15 N of friction. The weight of the object is 90 N. Draw a complete FBD and determine the net force acting on the object.
What is 45 N to the right.
An applied force of 60 N is used to accelerate an object to the right across a frictional surface. The object encounters 15 N of friction. The weight of the object is 90 N. Draw a complete FBD and determine the mass of the object.
What is 9.17 kg.
An applied force of 60 N is used to accelerate an object to the right across a frictional surface. The object encounters 15 N of friction. The weight of the object is 90 N. Draw a complete FBD and determine the acceleration of the object.
What is 4.91 m/s^2.