Figurative Language
Author's Craft/Style
Tone and Mood
Word Reference
Word Choice

The branches of the tree reached for the sky.

What is personification?


When she tripped over something on stage, she fell on her head and it made a boom sound. " The word "boom" is an example of what?

What is onomatopoeia?


The mood in the passage is...

"My enemy was making his way down the hall, bursting open door after door. I needed to break through this window in two tries to make it out in time."

What is scary?


The author signed a contract to publish his next book.

contract- 1: a written or spoken agreement, enforceable by law. 2: to reduce in size. 3: to catch or develop a disease. 4: to make a formal agreement

What is the definition of the word CONTRACT in the sentence?

What is#1 - a written or spoken agreement


What word would be a replacement for the capitalized word in the sentence?

The salsa was HOT.

A. spicy. B.  hot. C. delicious. D. Sweltering

What is A. Spicy?


I was so hungry I thought I was going to die.

What is hyperbole?

"Don't cut any corners."

What is the figurative language used in the ssentence?

What is an idiom?


The feeling you get from reading a text is called _____.

A. Tone

B. Mood

What is mood?


The artist used a brush to paint delicate details on the canvas

brush- n. 1: a tool with bristles, used for cleaning, painting, or grooming. 2: an area covered with small trees and shrubs. 3: a brief encounter or confrontation. 4: the act of lightly touching something.

Which definition of the word BRUSH is used in the sentence?

What is #1?

Mom spent 6 hours LOOKING through the leaves for her lost wedding ring.

Which word can replace LOOKING?

A. gazing. B. searching  C. finding  D.watching

What is B. searching?


His sagging pants made him walk like an infant in diapers.

What is a simile?


Lines or words that are repeated in a

 poem are known as ___________.

What is repetition?


What is the tone of this photograph?

What is happy?


The athlete had to run to the finish line as quickly as possible. 

Line- n. 1. A long, lnarrow mark or band. 2. A row of people or things. 3. A mark on a sports field that shows boundaries. 4. A straight path from one point to another.

Which definition of LINE is used correctly?

What is 3?


When she finally SAW her ring, she started to cry.

Which word can replace SAW?

A. pointed to. B.  gawked at. C.  peeked at. D. spotted

What is D. spotted?


He is a couch potato.

What is a metaphor?


We should have a field day at school.  In a field day, students run races and play games outside.  Students would get lots of exercise.  The ones who win would get fun awards.  We could also give awards to the students who try the hardest.  The awards would make everyone want to take part.

Why does the author think there should be a field day?

Students would have fun and get exercise.


What is the tone of this photograph?

What is angry?


He put a large ROCK on the stack of papers to keep them from blowing away.

Rock - n. 1. A hard, solid material that forms the Earth’s surface.

2. A type of music that became popular in the 1950s. 3. To move gently back and forth 4. A person who is stable or supportive.

Which definition of ROCK is used in the sentence?

What is A?


Bad weather conditions are COMING to our area.

Which word would replace COMING?

A.approaching. B.nearing  C. embarking upon

D. staying in

What is A. approaching?


Betty Botter bought a bit of butter, but the butter's bitter.

What is alliteration?


Cinderella is kind, sweet, and charming, while her step sisters are mean and cruel.  How are Cinderella and her step sisters different?  

Cinderella is kind, but her step sisters are not.


What mood is created by this photograph?

What is sad, depresssed?


The BANK across the street offers better interest rates for savings accounts.

bank- n. 1: a financial institution where people deposit money.   

2. the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake. 3: a collection or store of something. 4: a tilt or lean to one side, often used to describe airplanes.

What is #1?


What mood do the words convey:

A. boring. B. calm. C. fun. D. happy

What is B. calm?