Text Structures
Main Idea
Text Features
Context Clues

Seashores experience a daily change in water level. This change is called tide. As the water is pulled from the shore, the water level drops. This is known as low tide. As the water returns to shore, the water level rises. This is called high tide. The coming and going of the water is caused by the pull of the moon's gravity. 

You can conclude that-

A. tides are caused by the gravity of the sun. B. the water level drops at high tide. C. the moon has a strong effect on Earth's seas. D. a tide is a change in water temperature. 

C. the moon has a strong effect on Earth's high tide.


Making ice-cream is not easy. Cream and sugar have to first be mixed in a frozen container. Ingredients may be added at this point, if desired. The mixture must be stirred and whipped until the cream and sugar mixture is frozen. Depending on the equipment, this may take as long as an hour. After the ice-cream is prepared, it must be kept frozen until it is ready to be enjoyed. Making ice-cream is difficult, but most people would agree that it is worth the trouble.

What is the text structure? 

What is Sequence. 

Do you ever wonder how games are invented? James Naismith was teaching a physical education class when he accidentally made up a new game. He combined the games of lacrosse and soccer. But the players neither used a stick as in lacrosse nor kicked a ball as in soccer. Instead they bounced, or dribbled, the ball and shot at a goal. The only thing Naismith had to use as a goal was a peach basket. This is why he decided to call his game basketball. 

What is the story mostly about?

A. Most people can learn lacrosse. B. Naismith taught physical education. C. New games can be invented by accident. D. Soccer and lacrosse are different. 

C. New games can be invented by accident


adaptation- 9, 15, 17

desert animals - 15, 19 20, 23

camel - 3,5, 6-7 

desert storms - 2, 4

According to the index above if you wanted to find out more information about dust stormes, what page should you go to?

A.adaptation - 9, 15, 17

B. desert stormes - 2, 4

C. desert animals - 15, 19 20, 23

B. desert stormes - 2, 4


Mount Mazama is a volcano in Oregon. It has been inactive for years. The edges of the crater have fallen in. The crater has filled up with water. It is now known as Crater Lake. 

In this paragraph, the word inactive means-

A. upset B. quiet C. alive D. stubborn 

B. quiet 


The porcupine uses the quills on its tail to defend itself. When an animal comes too close, the porcupine slaps its tail at the enemy. The sharp quills come off easily. They stick into the other creature's skin. Each quill has a hook at the end. This makes the quills very painful to remove from the skin. 

If porcupines did not have quills, they would- 

A. use claws for defense B. be unable to defend themselves. C. build dams with their tails. D. find it painful. 

B. be unable to defend themselves. 


The ice-cream shop around the corner from my house has the best ice-cream in the city. When you first walk inside, there is a long chrome counter with matching stools extending to alongside the far wall. Right where the counter stops, the booth seating begins. There are lots of old-timey knickknacks on the walls and chrome napkin holders on all the tables. My favorite part of the shop is behind the counter glass, where they keep all of the ice-cream flavors. A rainbow of delicious sugary flavors is kept cool and delicious behind the counter glass.

What is the text structure? 

What is Descriptive. 


In 1174 work began on the bell tower of a church in Pisa, Italy. Because the foundation of the tower was laid in soil that was too soft, it began to lean. Work on the tower stopped. For more than one hundred years, people suggested ways to prevent the tower from leaning. The building was finished in 1350, but it continued to sink. Each year the tower leans a little more. Tourists today still visit the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. 

The main idea of this story is that the Leaning Tower of Pisa-

A. had been leaning from its beginning B. was poorly built C. is one of many bell towers D. has many visitors

A. had been leaning from its beginning


If a photograph of a chocolate chip cookie was in an article on popular dessert foods, what would be the best caption?

A. 75% of people report that the chocolate chip cookie is their favorite cookie.

B. chocolate cake is popular in many countries.  

C. 25% of Americans say that they do not like chocolate. 

A. 75% of people report that the chocolate chip cookie is their favorite cookie.


Bedrich Smetana wrote music. When he was fifty years old, he became totally deaf. But he did not let this check his interest in music. He wrote some of his finest pieces after going deaf. 

In this paragraph, the word check means- 

A. mark B. nail C. stop D. open

C. stop


By noting a person's physical changes, a lie detector machine shows whether someone is lying. The machine shows changes in heartbeat and breathing. These changes might take place when a person is lying. But these changes also take place when a person is nervous. Sometimes a person is lying but doesn't know it. In this case the machine doesn't note any change at all. 

From this selection, you cannot tell-

A. what happens when a person lies B. what a lie doctor shows C. which changes take place when a person is nervous D. how a lie detector is use in court

D. how a lie detector is use in court


Today more people are connected to the internet than ever before, not only at home, but also on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Many of these people now get their news from the internet rather than reading newspapers. As a consequence, many newspapers have gone out of business.

What is the text structure?

What is Cause and Effect. 


The first pair of roller skates was made in 1760 by Joseph Merlin. Merlin tried to sell his skates in London, but he didn't have much success. One problem was that they didn't have brakes! That problem was soon solved, and more people began trying the new sport. But it wasn't until 1849 that the sport caught on. That year a play was held in which actors were supposed to ice skate. But they could not make ice on stage. So the actors used roller skates instead.

What is the impiled main idea?

A. The sport of roller skating was made popular by a stage play. B. Roller skating will never become a very popular sport. C. Merlin made the first pair skates. D Skates are dangerous without brakes. 

A. The sport of roller skating was made popular by a stage play. 


Based on the graph you can infer that in America the most popular game genre is: 

A. Shooter 

B. Sports Games

C. Action

C. Action


The moon appears to change its shape over a period of about thirty days. For that reason the moon can be used to measure the passing of time. That's why people long ago developed lunar calendars. 

In the paragraph the word lunar means-

A. of the time B. of long ago C. of the moon D. of the people

C. of the moon


Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts as a blanket. It lets light pass through, but it traps heart. This occurrence is called the greenhouse effect. It is good, for without it the earth would be much colder. But as the carbon dioxide increases, the heat of the earth's surface rises. This isn't good. Carbon dioxide comes from the burning of oil, coal, and gasoline. If we do not limit this burning, the world may suffer as a result. 

From this passage you can tell that- 

A. carbon dioxide traps light B. the earth would be warmer without the greenhouse effect C. the greenhouse effect is never good D. too much carbon dioxide is bad

D. too much carbon dioxide is bad


Freezer burn may have wasted more ice-cream than sidewalks. If you don’t know, freezer burn is when ice crystals form on the surface of ice-cream. These ice crystals can ruin the texture and flavor of the ice cream. But you can prevent freezer burn. Since freezer burn is caused when melted ice-cream is refrozen, rather than eating your ice-cream from the container as it melts, scoop your ice-cream into a bowl and put the container back in the fridge immediately. Doing this ought to help you solve your issues with freezer burn.

What is the text structure?

What is Problem and Solution. 

Colorblindness has to do with a person's lack of ability to see colors. But it doesn't affect a person's sight. People with full-color vision have three kinds of cone- shaped cells in their eyes. One kind of cone sees red, another sees green, and the third kind of cone sees blue. A person who is colorblind is missing one or more of these kinds of cones. Red-green colorblindness is the most common. People with this kind of colorblindness see red or green as gray-brown. They don't have red or green cones. 

What is the story mostly about?

A. If people are missing certain cone-shaped cells in their eyes, they are colorblind. B. There are number of people who are colorblind. C. Red- blue colorblindness is very common. D. People who are colorblind wear glasses. 

A. If people are missing certain cone shaped cells if their eyes, they are colorblind. 


Pomegranate is a fruit that many people have never tried to eat. However, there are many advantages to eating a pomegranate. Research has shown that pomegranate seeds or pomegranate juice may help reduce the chance of heart attacks and strokes. Also, this fruit seems to help lower cholesterol. 

What would be a good heading for this section? 

A. Unique Fruits of the World

B. The Unique But Heart-saving Fruit

C. Ways To Eat a Pomegranate

A. Unique Fruits of the World


The Maya Indians once built great cities. They lived in an area that stretched from southern Mexico to Central America. Then the Maya began to evacuate the large cities. They moved to farms or small towns. The reason they left the cities is still unknown. 

In this paragraph, the word evacuate means-

A. sweep B. build C. join D. leave

D. leave


Inventors record their inventions with the government. The inventors hope that someone will buy their bright ideas. But some inventions are so strange that no one wants them. Government files show inventions for odd things, such as flying fire escapes and eyeglasses for chickens. There is even an alarm clock that hits the sleeping person on the head.

What type of inventions are described in this story?

Inventions that did not make money.


Chimps live in groups and like each other a lot, but sometimes they fight. Because they don’twant to stay angry at each other after a fight, they make up by holding a hand out to the other and kissing. They show they are sorry with pats and hugs. Then the anger goes away.

What is the text structure? 

What is Cause and Effect.


Which kind of clam chowder do you prefer? In the United States, there are two kinds of clam chowder. Manhattan clam chowder is made with tomatoes. New England clam chowder is made with milk. People form Massachusetts take their clam chowder very seriously. They even passed a law that does not allow clam chowder with tomatoes in their state. 

What is the best summary of this passage?

A. There is a difference between New Englanders and other people. B. There are different kinds of clam chowders. C. Clam chowder is a kind of soup. D. There is only one way to make clam chowder. 

B. There are different kinds of clam chowders.


From the information in the graph, what can be inferred about doing homework?



The space shuttle needs extra power to be launched. To get this power, the shuttle is connected to a large fuel reservoir and two rocket boosters. These fall off as the shuttle climbs into space. 

What is a fuel reservoir

The fuel reservoir holds gasoline. It is the tank.