
According to the text, how many muscles does the trunk of an elephant have? 



Infer how the villagers felt about the boy's false alarms. 

They felt annoyed and angry at the boy. 


True or false: ALL elephants have trunks and tusks 

False, female Asian elephants do not have tusks.  


What are the 3 story elements that we compare/contrast in literature? 

Characters, setting, plot


According to the text, what happens when young elephants are captured and sent to Thailand illegally? 

They are used for tourism. Baby elephants are abused and tortured while training to be used in amusement parks. 


Explain the line, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

Answers will vary


Asian elephants can endure cold temperatures better than extreme heat. 

What does the author mean by endure? 

To live through or survive through 


What does the statement "be careful what you wish for" mean? 

Sometimes you may think you want something, but when you actually get it, it is not at all what you expected. 


According to the graph, which time period was the elephant population at its lowest? 

2011 and onward


Explain how the boy's attitude changed from the beginning to the end of the story.

He changes from being smug and bored, to scared and helpless.


Using the diagram, explain one difference between an Asian elephant and an African elephant 

African elephants have larger ears than Asian elephants 

African elephants have rounded heads, Asian elephants have twin-domed heads. 

Both male and female African elephants have tusks, while only male Asian elephants do. 


How does the prefix un- change the meaning of the word common in the sentence below? 

"I remembered her because she had an uncommon name" 

The prefix un- changes the meaning to not common.


Highlight and put a heart next to 2 quotes from the text that support the claim that deforestation is endangering elephants. 

1. There is a border that prevents elephants from moving freely. 

2. The fence has caused over 370 elephants to die due to human-elephant conflict. 


Which detail from the text best supports the idea that the villagers lost trust in him?  

*answers may vary*

"But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again…"


Highlight and put a star by a sentence that provides evidence to the following central idea: 

Asian elephants have their own unique characteristics and are an endangered species that needs to be protected.

 *answers vary*


The father works a lot and may not give his daughter the attention she is yearning for. She wants to play with him, but he is too invested in his work to notice. 


Why are elephants still poached even if it is illegal? Make an inference using text evidence. 

They are poached for ivory, meat, and leather, which are all very valuable resources. Although it is illegal, it is a business that brings poachers money. 


How does the boy's relationship with the villagers change over time?

At first, the villagers support the boy. By the end, the villagers do not trust or support him anymore. 


What is the central idea of this passage? 

Asian elephants have their own unique characteristics and are an endangered species that needs to be protected.


The way she is touching the heart on the tree tells me that she either carved it herself or knows someone who carved it into the tree. Her facial expression tells me she has emotions associated with the carving.