What is Common Core?
English Language Arts Content
Mathematics Content
What's in the Owl?
The progression of learning expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics designed to prepare K–12 students for college and career success
What is Common Core Standards?
Reading, Writing, Language, Speaking, and Listening
What are the key features in English Language Arts?
The Common Core State Standards for Mathematics include two types of standards. How students are able to apply and extend math principles and what students know about math.
What is mathematical practice and mathematical content
Parents, community members, or school staff come together to examine the new standards
What are study groups?
Blue and White
What are the Oaks Road school colors?
The Common Core Standards communicate clear expectations for each student, putting students, parents, teachers, and school administrators on the same page.
What are shared goals?
Under the Common Core, your child will now be exposed to a balance of two different types of text
What is informational and literary text?
Students in this grade will be able to perform the following task. Students are running in a relay race. Each team will run a total of 2 miles. Each member of the team will be able to run 1/5 of a mile. How many students will a team need to complete the race?
What is Fifth Grade Explanation: This item builds on the progression of fractions from grades 3 and 4. Students are offered the number line in grade 5 as a tool to support problem solving, an extension of how the number line is used in earlier grades. These word problems would sometimes be presented without number lines or other models.
Ask teachers how we are preparing to teach Common Core standards
What is parent-teacher relationships?
Oaks Road Owls
What is the Oaks Road School mascot?
High-order thinking and 21st century skills
What is rigorous?
Students in this grade recount stories and determine the central message, lesson, or moral, explaining how it is developed in the text
What is Third Grade?
Students will use the math they know to solve problems they encounter every day through visual representation
What are mathematical models?
Talk to your student about the importance of graduation and being career ready
What is parent involvement?
The following link is a way to become aware of events at our school: http://oaksroad.weebly.com/index.html
What is the school website?
Common Core Standards are compared to top-performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed
What is global competitiveness?
Students in this grade will be able to name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.
What is Kindergarten?
Students in this grade will have to solve one- and two-step word problems by adding or subtracting numbers up through 100
What is Second Grade?
• Is my child at the level where he/she should be at this point of the school year? • What do you think is giving my child the most trouble? How can I help my child improve in this area? • Where is my child excelling? How can I support this success?
What is asking teachers questions?
Principal and Assistant Principal of Oaks Road Elementary
Who are Cheryl Wilson and Nancy Gaskill cheryl.wilson@craven.k12.nc.us nancy.gaskill@craven.k12.nc.us
A common set of standards ensures that all students, no matter where they live, will be focused on graduating from high school
What is post secondary education?
Students in this grade will quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text
What is Fifth Grade?
Students in this grade will need to interpret division of a whole number by a unit fraction and find the quoitent
What is Fifth Grade?
Designate a time to talk to your child's teacher about there academic progress
What is parent-teacher conference?
Students should wear khaki bottoms and a solid collar polo
What is the school uniform?