To get ahead of the game.

e.g. Our company invested in advanced analytics software to get ahead of the game, allowing us to anticipate market trends before our competitors.

In a business context, it involves staying ahead of competitors by being innovative and forward-thinking.


To cut corners. 

e.g. The construction company cut corners by using substandard materials, which resulted in structural issues later on

To cut corners means to do something in the easiest, quickest, or cheapest way, often sacrificing quality or ignoring rules to save time or money


Word of mouth.

e.g. The new restaurant became popular quickly thanks to word of mouth; everyone in the neighborhood was talking about how great the food and service were.

Word of mouth refers to the passing of information from person to person through verbal communication. It often involves recommendations, reviews, or feedback about a product, service, or event.


By the book.

e.g. The auditor insisted that the financial report be done by the book to ensure there were no discrepancies.

By the book means to follow the rules or procedures strictly and precisely as they are written or expected.


In the black.

e.g. After careful financial management, the company ended the year in the black.

In the black means being financially profitable or having positive earnings


In the red.

e.g. Despite efforts to cut costs, the company is still operating in the red this quarter.

In the red means being in debt or experiencing financial loss.


Diamond in the rough. 

e.g. The startup may seem small now, but it's a diamond in the rough with huge potential.

Diamond in the rough refers to someone or something with potential or talent but lacking refinement or polish.


Behind the schedule.

e.g. Due to unexpected delays, the project is now behind schedule.

Behind the schedule means being delayed or not on track to meet deadlines or milestones.


Ahead of schedule.

e.g. Thanks to efficient planning and teamwork, we completed the project ahead of schedule.

Ahead of schedule means completing a task or project before the planned deadline or target date.


Stick to the plan.

e.g. Let's stick to the plan to ensure we meet our deadlines and achieve our goals.

Stick to the plan means to follow a predetermined course of action or strategy without deviating from it.


Wrap up the project.

e.g. Let's finalize the remaining tasks and wrap up the project by the end of the week.

Wrap up the project means to complete or finalize a project, bringing all tasks to a close and ensuring everything is finished.


The bottom line.

e.g. At the end of the day, the bottom line is delivering exceptional customer service.

The bottom line refers to the most important or essential point, often summarizing the final result or outcome. In a business context, it can also mean the final financial result, such as net income.


Go the extra mile.

e.g. Our team is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure client satisfaction.

Go the extra mile means to put in more effort than what is expected or required, often to achieve better results or to be more helpful.


No brainer.

e.g. Switching to renewable energy sources was a no-brainer decision for our sustainability goals.

No brainer refers to something that is so obvious or simple that it doesn't require much thought or consideration.


Step up to the plate.

e.g. John was hesitant at first, but he stepped up to the plate and led the team through a challenging project.

Step up to the plate means to take on a responsibility or challenge, especially when it is crucial or expected.


Business Incubator.

e.g. Our startup joined a business incubator to gain access to mentorship and resources that could help us scale our technology and enter new markets.

Provides workspace, coaching, and support services to entrepreneurs and early-stage businesses.


Due Diligence.

e.g. Before acquiring the new tech startup, the company conducted extensive due diligence to verify the accuracy of their financial reports and assess any potential legal issues.

The inquiry process of obtaining sufficient and accurate disclosure of all material documents and other information which may influence the outcome of the transaction.



e.g. The recent merger between the two telecommunications giants is expected to create a stronger company with a larger market share and improved technology resources.

A joining together of two previously separate corporations. A true merger in the legal sense occurs when both businesses dissolve and move their assets and liabilities into a newly created entity.



e.g. Attending industry conferences is a great way to engage in networking and meet potential clients or business partners.

Developing business contacts to form business relationships, increase your knowledge, expand your business base, or serve the community.



e.g. Our company decided to outsource its customer service operations to a firm in another country to reduce overhead costs and improve support quality.

Purchasing standard operational services from another business. Outsourced services typically including accounting, payroll, IT, advertising, and more.