Her relative have a house in...
Her relative has a house in...
I live on mountains.
I live in the mountains.
An hip hop song
A hip hop song
A problem can happens anytime.
A problem can happen anytime.
Stop to talk
Stop talking
The husband of my sister...
My sister's husband...
I studied in 6 years.
I studied for 6 years.
There are a lot of valley in Scotland.
There are a lot of valleys in Scotland.
France is more bigger than England.
France is bigger than England.
They live in USA.
They live in the USA.
What time is it? (21:30)
It's Nine - Thirty
Mcdonald's is more famous of Zangaloro's.
Mcdonald's is more famous than Zangaloro's.
I study in University of Palermo.
I study at Palermo University.
I am used to live in Sicily.
I am used to living in Sicily.
I made my homework.
I did my homework.
My son has 20 years old.
My son is 20 years old.
We need to speak in English.
We need to speak English.
Skiing every day is very tired.
Skiing every day is very tiring.
It depends of the quality of the food.
It depends on the quality of the food.
She is graduated of Journalism.
She graduated in Journalism.
My sons are addicted of Lord of The Rings.
My sons are addicted of Lord to The Rings.
I have participate to a public competition.
I have to participate in a public competition.
I've had this hat since when I born.
I've had this hat since I was born.
If I will buy a new car, I can drive to work.
If I buy this car, I can drive to work.
There was cold. There was 15 degrees.
It was cold. It was 15 degrees