What is the abbreviation for breastfeeding?
What is the reason you can provide Similac Advance?
Accommodate cultural eating patterns. No medical documentation is required. CPA must document both the cultural eating patterns and the need for a non- contract infant formula to meet this need.
Say an affirmation you could tell a client...
Example: You are doing awesome by breastfeeding!
A 1 year old being measured for length should be measured on what?
Recumbent Board
What report can be ran to see if the client missed their WICHealth.org appointment?
WIC Health Report - in the Clinic Module under Educational and Referral
What is the abbreviation for discharge?
Lactose free milk is allowed if what is written?
Symptoms of lactose intolerance, such as upset stomach, diarrhea, runny stools, abdominal pain or flatulence is documented.
According to the nutrition CPA process is it expected to walk your client to the lobby after the certification process?
If medical documentation is brought in with a child weighing 20.5 pounds, how would you input that information into the FL Wise lab/anthropometric screen?
20 pounds 8 ounces - non WIC-data
If your clinic is not using the pronto non-invasive hemoglobin analyzer, does the training need to be completed (does the competency need to be done yearly?)
What is the abbreviation for diagnosis?
If providing 2% milk to a child between 1 to 2 years old, what does their weight for length percent need to be at?
Greater than or equal to 85%
VENA stands for....
Value Enhanced Nutrition Assessment
If a doctor writes a height/weight on 10/2/2019 for a prescription for a formula change and today is 10/15/2019 where child was already seen on 9/30/2019 - do you input the doctor's height/weight?
Yes, all information needs to be updated when provided on medical documentation.
What two logs need to be filled out monthly for the stature and recumbent boards?
Calibration Log and the Calibration Inspection Log
What is the abbreviation for fruits and vegetables?
F & V
What information needs to be reviewed when the "Eligibility Explanation" box is checked in the nutrition education screen?
Risk codes and length of certification
Do you discuss breastfeeding at a 1 year certification?
Yes, breastfeeding statistic screen needs to be reviewed.
What are some techniques that will increase blood flow for the hemoglobin sample?
Prime the finger
What all competencies need to be completed annually for CPA staff?
Anthropometric, Non-invasive, Invasive, VENA
What is the abbreviation for ounce?
Can the CPA make the decision to extend the prescription for one month by charting an explanation if the family does not bring an updated prescription?
No, but verbal approval from the MD is acceptable in extreme cases, the note and date needs to be charted after the CPA speaks with the MD.
What are 5 components that need to be completed during the goal setting aspect of the counseling session?
Review previous goal-with date met inputted, set a topic, set a SMART goal, set your method, and title.
If a client's last blood work was on 1/5/2019 and it was 11.4, family benefits go out on the 15th of the month, when should the child come in for a recertification to get bloodwork?
Before 1/5/2020
When providing low fat or non fat milk to a 1 year old what two things need to be reviewed in the client's chart?
1. Review risk codes to remove 425.01
2. Notate the customized food package