I don't have any money
"No worries, folks use check or card at the door, which works best for you?"
Can I give cash?
We work with check or card at the door - not as tough as I look lolz
I'm too busy (Intro)
Intro - No worries, I'll be quick. Take a peek!
Action - I hear ya, pull out your card/phone and we'll do it quick
Oh I already support/I'm already signed up/I get your emails!
Great! Thanks for supporting our work. We're back out renewing support for this session - here's what's going on...
- we ask donors to avoid using cash because it keeps both us and them safe, leaves a paper trail, and means donors can give what's in their bank account not just what's in their wallet
I'll sign, but I can't contribute
I hear you, I have a budget too - that's why we keep amounts open, so EVERYONE can get involved. Does check or card work better?
I hear you, but for us it's a numbers game. It's folks at the door who keep us running/ independent/ winning, so go ahead and do a token gift so we can take your support to the capitol with us. Check or card?
Can I give online?
Sure! Grab your smartphone and I'll walk you through it right now
I'll sign but I won't contribute.
- Security?: That's why we have our secure website, go ahead and pull out your smartphone.
- Policy/why do we need it?: This is urgent/Folks give at the door because it's what funds my work here in MN, so thank you for making the exception.
What do you want?
Signatures and donations, so that we can win good water policy this session. (folks are doing check or card...)
Keep it Short, Strong, Simple
- if you don't sound sure of importance and do-ability, the people you talk to won't be either
- 2 minutes or less, to avoid overwhelm and "glazing over"
- could a 5th grader understand? to ensure everyone you talk to gets it quickly
I can't help right now.
No worries, you can date your check up to 30 days in advance.
Where does my money go?
Education, outreach, research, and lobbying
I make my donations at the end of the year.
- Our work at the capitol isn't tax deductible, so go ahead and give now.
- Ah, you itemize taxes? This work is time sensitive, so go ahead and grab your checkbook - I'll get you a receipt with ID # for your tax returns. No? More donors on books matters so do a token gift now, you can do more at your usual time.
I give to other environmental groups/causes.
I hear ya, some of our greatest supporters are involved with many causes. That's why we keep amounts open - go ahead and do a token gift so that we can lobby on your behalf too.
Getting the clip board out of your hands into theirs by the end of the intro
- First big level of agreement (like a handshake)
- human podium is awkward and doesn't require them to commit to the conversation
I don't have my card/check book
No worries, I'll wait while you grab it OR pull out your smartphone and we'll use Paypal/Apple Pay.
Where's your permit?
(don't need them, but...)
Here's our registration with the state. We also register with the city clerk, so you can give them a call to verify we're out.
(stress that we use check/charge/receipts)
I need more info.
Sure, I can answer any questions you have right now.
This is something you care about, yea? Then go ahead and do a token gift so we can take your support with us to the capitol while it matters - I'll give you our website so you can do your research and give more when you're ready.
I already gave to the phones/mail.
No record/old record: Thanks for your previous support! We're out renewing support for the year.
Gave very recently: Great! Super appreciate it. Tonight we're out getting support for the field canvas so we can keep our boots on the ground - go ahead and do a token, is check or card better?
asking for what you need (you don't get what you don't ask for)
- specific number is easier to commit to/refuse than having to think through budget yourself
- high initial donation ask shows importance of issue
- bumps make little difference to them but all the difference to us
I have to talk with my spouse and they're not home.
No worries, happens all the time. Go ahead and do your half now, they can do their half later OR token gift now, then you can talk through budgeting more later
I don't give at the door.
Is that policy or a security issue?
- Security? That's why we have our secure website, go ahead and pull out your smartphone.
- Policy? Folks give at the door because it's what funds my work here in MN, so thank you for making the exception.
AAGH There are just so many issues to work on right now. What do?
I know problems are overwhelming right now - that's why we're out. To help people take action on local issues we have real power over.
OR I hear ya, some of our greatest supporters are involved with many causes. Go ahead and do a token gift so that we can lobby on your behalf too.
I usually mail it in, can I do that?
Folks are giving at the door tonight - grab your checkbook and I'll save you the postage
literally, keeping eye contact during the conversation, especially when talking about money
- shows confidence, builds trust
- stand in for general control in the close (are you using strong language, tones, ASSPO? etc)