This story needs a wicked (witch / which) as a villain.
What is...
The story needs a wicked WITCH as a villain.
I have exactly (to / too / two) pairs of shoes under my bed.
What is...
I have exactly TWO pairs of shoes under my bed.
Nathan ate dinner at (there / their / they're) house.
What is...
Nathan ate dinner at THEIR house.
The answer to your questions is (no / know).
What is...
The answer to your questions is NO.
If Carrie doesn't find her library book, (then / than) she must pay a fine.
What is...
If Carrie doesn't find her library book, THEN she must pay a fine.
Speaking of (witch / which), have you bought a new phone?
What is...
Speaking of WHICH, have you bought a new phone?
Do we have (to / too / two) put a feather in our cap?
What is...
Do we have TO put a feather in our cap?
Carter said (there / their / they're) coming over tonight.
What is...
Carter said THEY'RE coming over tonight.
Did you (no / know) that some hummingbirds can weigh less than a penny?
What is...
Did you KNOW that some hummingbirds can weigh less than a penny?
I like salad more (then / than) soup.
What is...
I like salad more THAN soup.
(Witch / Which) dress should I get for Lizzie?
What is...
WHICH dress should I get for Lizzie?
We lost (to / too / two) of our best players due to injury.
What is...
We lost TWO of our best players due to injury.
You can have another cookie if (there / their / they're) is one left.
What is...
You can have another cookie if THERE is one left.
I want to (no / know) more about computers, so I went to the library.
What is...
I want to KNOW more about computers, so I went to the library.
For your chores, you should wash the dog, (then / than) rake the leaves.
What is...
For your chores, you should wash the dog, THEN rake the leaves.
I don't need a (witch / which) to tell me that I should quit.
What is...
I don't need a WITCH to tell me that I should quit.
The hospital is taking (to / too / two) long to help us!
What is
The hospital is taking TOO long to help us!
My friends cannot find (there / their / they're) jackets.
What is...
My friends cannot find THEIR jackets.
Zac received (no / know) answer to his question.
What is...
Zac received NO answer to his question.
Studying is more important (then / than) you think.
What is...
Studying is more important THAN you think.
The sweaters were all dry, expect one (witch / which) got soaked in the rain.
What is...
The sweaters were all dry, expect one WHICH got soaked in there rain.
It took (to / too / two) long to prevent the spread of the fire.
What is...
It took TOO long to prevent the spread of the fire.
(there / their / they're) always late!
What is...
THEY'RE always late!
(no / know), I don't (no / know) the answer to that question!
What is...
No, and Know
NO, I don't KNOW the answer to that question!
Come back tomorrow afternoon, I will have everything ready by (then / than).
What is...
Come back tomorrow afternoon, I will have everything ready by THEN.