what is a pathogen?
Microorganisms that cause a communicable disease, a germ.
A non communicable disease is....
A disease that can't be spread from person to person like a communicable disease is.
What is cancer?
Uncontrolled growth of cells.
What is respiratory etiquette?
Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue while sneezing or coughing OR sneezing/coughing into your sleeve
Name 3 signs of diabetes
Excessive thirst, excessive eating, tiredness, blurred vision, abdominal issues, excessive urination, weight loss, fruity smell in breath
What are two types of methods of transmission of a virus?
Droplet spread, direct contact, vectors/animals, food and drinking water, contaminated objects, airborne contamination
Two examples of a non communicable disease are
Cancer, asthma, diabetes, heart disease...
Malignant means...
Benign means...
A tumor is cancer
A tumor doesn't have cancer cells
After using the bathroom, after changing a diaper, before and after preparing food, after contact with body fluids or blood, after blowing your nose, after handling waste or trash, after handling uncooked meat, when your hands are visibly dirty
Who is the best wellness teacher?
True or false: a virus is slightly bigger than bacteria
False: viruses are smaller than bacteria
What are 3 risk factors for non communicable diseases?
Heredity, drug/alcohol use, poor mental health, poor relationships, not enough sleep, unhealthy diet, not enough physical activity
This type of cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the US. The main cause is tobacco smoke
Lung cancer
Cooking meat thoroughly will kill pathogens. This is what kind of practice?
Food sanitation
A oncologist is someone who...
Treats people with cancer
What is an example of a harmful e-coli bacteria...how do you get it? What does it do to your body?
Undercooked ground beef, contaminated water or food. It will make you sick like vomiting, diarrhea, fever and nausea.
Atherosclerosis is...
Narrowing of the blood vessels that lead to and from the heart.
What "system" can you use to allow for early detection of cancer?
True or false: Antibiotics can help treat non communicable diseases
False: antibiotics can only treat bacteria infections
What is the number 1 killer in the USA?
heart disease
Mononucleosis or mono
Malignant and benign refer to what disease?
This disease can cause heart disease, nerve damage, vision damage, hearing impairment, foot damage and kidney damage...what is it?
Type 2 diabetes is caused by...
not being physically active, eating unhealthy, allowing body weight to get too high
True! Everyone has breast tissue