the definition of a communicable disease
a disease that is spread from one person to another
non communicable diseases are also known as
chronic diseases
(fill in the blank)
..... help provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially life threatening diseases.
HIV and other blood borne disease can be caused by
contact with bodily fluids
illness is usually caused by these two things
viruses and bacteria
(fill in the blank)
non communicable diseases are Responsible for ... out of ten deaths in the United states
keeping your distance from someone who is sick does what?
prevents you from inhaling airborne diseases
what are the four ways you can become more at risk to communicable diseases
Not getting adequate sleep, infrequent hand washing, not getting vaccinated, close proximity to infected individual
true or false humans can catch communicable diseases from animals
what are the three things that can help prevent or reduce chronic disease
early detection
treatment therapy
This can prevent you from catching touch borne diseases
washing your hands regularly
this insect can carry blood borne diseases and transmit them if you are bitten
the most common communicable disease
What is The common cold
chronic disease and obesity cause how many dollars in loss of productivity in the workplace each year
$1 trillion
you can do what to boost your immunity
get adequate rest, nutrition and get vaccinated
this type of communicable disease transmission occurs when an infected person coughs or sneezes, releasing droplets that can infect others
airborne transmission