How to communicate
Gender / Diversity
Cultural Identity
Placing yourself in a culture other than your own, to experience another culture from the Foreign language teaching article
What is Intercultural Empathy
According to an article titled “Communication in the conditions of diversity” the following pertains to which gender:It is usually described as the one that relates to people, relationships and feelings; the style that expresses emotions, support and understanding and is more personal, polite, context related and detailed
What is Female
From the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy As many scholars and teachers have argued, language changes to adapt to different__________
What is Cultural Contexts
1. According to Inter-Act, _________, which has been used to classify people based on biological characteristics, such as skin color, hair texture, and body shape, is an important cultural signifier for many people, and _____identity can influence communication in a number of ways
What is Race, Racial
. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s article, tolerating what can lead a conversation between two foreigners to be understandable and with less misunderstandings?
What is Tolerating AMBIGUITY
When talking about gaps between generations the following term can be described as the following: According to USA TODAY,_________might mean formal writing and speaking abilities to an older worker. But it might mean e-mail and instant-messenger savvy to a twenty something.
What is Communication skills
From The Australian Journal of Linguistics Harris argues that language is a __________ tool of communication and that it is shared use of a language which makes communication possible and locates communication as the real site in which language exists.
What is Fundamental.
2. In the article” Exploring Cross-Race Dyad Partnerships in Learning to Teach”, the research shows that associate teachers will interact with white candidates far outweighed those with candidates of color. For instance, “People would speak more often to me. There was that kind of ongoing difficulty, but especially in the beginning, that kind of ongoing comfort-to-comfort feeling, white people to white people.” These ________patterns are laden with meanings and send strong messages about hierarchies that exist in the social structure of the classroom and in the larger social system
What is Cross-race communication
From the Journal for Theory of social Behavior by Debbie Haski, the selfless concern for the well-being of others, especially with different cultures is known as what?-
What is Altruism
2. According to Dr. Deborah Tannen, men see the world as a hierarchy where someone is "up" and the other is "down." Men try to maintain the upper hand to stay in the "one-up" position and protect themselves from being put down. That's why men are less likely to share their feelings and vulnerabilities. That's also the reason that they seem reluctant to ask directions on a project or how to get to a new location. It also explains a typical male communication style, the "__________." They use this to keep themselves in the "king of the hill" position
What is Putdown
What is one of the social mechanisms in communication that binds certain individuals together while excluding others, and understanding it, is one of the things that gives outsiders an Entree into a foreign culture.
What is Slang
3. According to Communication, Race, and Family: exploring communication in Black, white, and Biracial Families, author mentions that in addition to education, the media, and government, the map of U.S. race relations needs to depict _______ as central to matter of race. It takes a first step toward understanding the role that family communication plays in society’s move toward racial justice by reporting explorations that focus on the role of family communication in understanding and managing race relationships in African-American, European-American, and Biracial families.
What is a. families and families relationships