Communication Barriers
Steps to improving communication
Communication Process
Culture and Global Diversitty
Hofstede's values and national cultures

A physical barrier to communication is...

Physical barriers too large  a distance - yelling across the hall, communicating from a different location


Active listening is about

The process of helping someone say exactly what he or she means by fully listening to what is being said, controlling your emotions, and withholding premature evaluations or interpretations.


What is the communication?

Communication Definition – the process of sending and receiving symbols with meanings attached


Culture is 

Culture- The shared set of beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior common to a group of people


Describe power distance

Power distance – the degree to which a society accepts or rejects the unequal distribution of power among people in organizations and the institutions of society


A perceptual barrier to communication is

Is that we all see the world differently


Constructive feedback is about

The process of telling someone else how you feel about something that person said or did


Everything in the middle that interferes with communication is considered

Noise (a barrier)

Describe culture shock

Culture shock  

•Confusion and discomfort a person experiences in an unfamiliar cultur


Describe uncertainty avoidance

Uncertainty avoidance – the degree to which a society is uncomfortable with risk, change, and situational uncertainty vs. having tolerance for them


Cultural barriers to communication are about

Cultural barriers group behaviors are different depending on culture - thoughts and opinions are different


Using the appropriate channel to communicate the message is important. 

Channel richness – the capacity of communication channels to effectively carry information.

Explain LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH channel richness

•Low Richness- impersonal, one way, fast.  E.g. postings, e-bulletins, reports

•Middle Richness (in order of richness) – Memos, Letters, emails, voice mail, telephone, video conferences

•High Richness – personal, two way, slow – face to face meetings and conversations


Effective communication would occur when

Effective Communication – occurs when the message is fully understood.  The intended and interpreted messages are the same.


Describe ethnocentrism 


•Tendency to consider one’s own culture as superior to other


Describe Individualism

Individualism– the degree to which a society emphasizes individual accomplishments and self-interests vs. collective accomplishments and the interests of group.


Inappropriate channels of communication are a barrier when

You use the wrong channel to communicate the message given the situation.


Interactive managers would act in what way?

Managers spend time outside of their office to meet and talk with workers at all levels


Efficient communication occurs when

Efficient Communication – occurs at a minimum cost.  Few resources are expended


What are the stages of adjusting to a new culture


•Small victories

•The honeymoon

•Irritation and anger



Describe masculinity-feminity in terms of Hofstede's measurement scale

Masculinity-femininity – the degree to which a society values assertiveness and material success vs. feelings and concern for relationships.


Emotional barriers to communication deal with

Withholding thoughts and feelings about a situation.


How can proxemics and space design help with communication?

The physical layout can improve/remove physical barriers. It can also encourage the communication process. 


Explain Senders and Receivers in the communication process

•Senders – the people that encode (create) the message into information

•Receivers – the people who decode (interpret) the messages meaning and send back feedback


The dimensions of culture are


•Interpersonal space

•Time orientation


•Contracts and agreements

Descibe time orientation

Time orientation – the importance that society attaches to the future vs. the past and present.