Common computer-mediated communication technologies.
Computer Mediated Communication and the Individual
The Individual, Communication technology, and society
How does computer-mediated communication impact our communication choices?
What is Computer Mediated Communication?
Very brief messages exchanged on mobile phones.
What is SMS or text messages?
Misrepresenting oneself online.
What is Spoofing. DAILY DOUBLE!!!
The inequity of access between technology "haves" and the "have nots"
What is the digital divide. DAILY DOUBLE!!!
Theory that suggests that face-to-face communication is generally high in social presences and that media vary in the amount of social presence they convey.
What is social presence theory?
A system of networks that connects millions of computers around the world.
What is the internet. DAILY DOUBLE!!!
Exchange of textual (word-based) messages between two or more parties.
What is E-mail?
Projecting a false identity.
What is Pseudoanonymity.
Access to technological skills and resources.
What is Technocapital. DAILY DOUBLE!!!
Describes the potential infomation-carrying capacity of a communication medium
What is media richness theory?
One of the number of services that moves over the internet; it uses HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) as its document format.
What is the World Wide Web (WWW).
Text based "virtual-reality" game. Real-time interaction. Participants interact with enviornment, objects, and other participants.
What are MMOG'S:(Massively Multiplayer Online Games)
Email messages that try (fraudulently) to get consumer banking and credit card information.
What is Phishing.
Cultural knowledge and cultural competencies that people need for functioning effectivley in society.
What is cultural capital.
A theoretical perspective that sees mediated communication as deficient in comparison to face-to-face communication
What is media deficit approach? DAILY DOUBLE!!!
Synonymous with the internet or online world.
What is Cyberspace.
Social networking and micro-blogging services that allows its users to send and read other users' updates, which are text based posts of up to 140 characters in length.
What is Twitter?
The deliberate and repeated misuse of communication technology by and individual or group to threaten or harm others.
What is Cyberbullying.
Theory that explains why some innovations, like computers and internet technology, are accepted by some people and rejected by others.
What is diffusion of innovations.
A theoretical perspective that views mediated communication as complementing or augmenting face-to-face communication
What is media augmentation approach?
The exchange of messages carried through an intervening system of digital electronic storage and transmitted between two or more people.
What is computer-mediatied communication (CMC)
Web site, like a journal, maintained by an individual with regular entries of comentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics, or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.
What is Blog("web log")
The range of potential partners and friends accessible through CMC that is much larger than in face to face relationships.
What is field of availables.
ALL PLAY!!! Many Countries are not able to access technology as easily as we can. Of all the continents inhabited by people what would be the rank of access to the internet, in order from greatest to least. Continents: Oceania(australia,New Zeal.),Asia,North America, Africa, Europe, Central/South America, Middle East
What is North America, Oceania, Europe, Central/South America, Middle East, Asia, Africa
Proposes that the patterns of connections among people affect their social their social behavior and communication.
What is social network theory?
Information that is transmitted in a numerical format based on only two values (0 and 1).
What is computer-midiated communication