Challenges Faced By Students
Creating Inclusive Environment
Stategies for Support
Impact On Learning

Communication Anxiety refers to

the apprehension or fear experienced by individuals when communicating in various contexts


Challenges students with communication anxiety may encounter ….  in the classroom.

Difficulty participating in class discussions, Fear of public speaking or presenting, Limited social interactions, Reduced academic performance due to anxiety-related stress


Strategies educators can use to create an inclusive environment include

Fostering empathy and respect among students, Providing opportunities for collaborative learning, Emphasizing the value of diverse perspectives 


Educators can encourage and scaffold student participation by

Providing opportunities to practice, Offer praise and encouragement, Break down assignments into manageable steps, Model effective communication behaviors 


Communication anxiety can affect students’ engagement in classroom activities by leading to

Decreased participation in class discussions, Avoidance of speaking opportunities, Limited engagement with course material 


Two characteristics commonly associated with communication anxiety

increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, avoidance behaviors


Communication anxiety can lead to

Decreased engagement in classroom activities, Avoidance of speaking opportunities , Hindered development of communication skills, Ultimately affecting grades and test scores 


Fostering Empathy and Respect is important in a classroom to

To create a supportive environment where students feel understood and accepted, Reduce anxiety and promote positive interactions 


Two alternative communication methods that can be provided to students with communication anxiety

Written responses , Technology for virtual participation, One-on-one discussions, Small group activities 


The consequences of avoidance behaviors in relation to communication anxiety are

Avoidance behaviors can perpetuate anxiety , Limit opportunities for learning and skill development, Negatively impact academic performance 


Common Causes of Communication Anxiety

Genetic Disposition, Environmental Factors, Perceived Pressure to Perform, Lack of Confidence in Communication Skills


Signs that a student may be experiencing communication anxiety

Avoiding eye contact, Physical symptoms such as sweating or trembling, Reluctance to speak in class, Limited participation in group activities 


Collaborative learning can benefit students with communication anxiety by allowing students to

Work together, Share ideas, Support one another, Reduce the pressure of individual performance, Encourage participation


Ways to gradually expose students to speaking tasks are

Low-pressure speaking opportunities, Small group discussions, Progressively increasing complexity and audience size 



Communication anxiety can hinder the development of communication skills by

Inhabiting student’s ability to practice and refine their communication skills Leading to limited opportunities for growth and proficiency


Communication Anxiety can hinder a student's ability to

participate in class discussion, engage with course material, develop essential communication skills


Educators can help students overcome communication anxiety by

Providing support, Offer gradual exposure to speaking tasks, Provide constructive feedback, Create an inclusive environment 


Teacher-student communication plays an important role in supporting students with communication anxeity by

Building trust and rapport, Allowing educators to identify and address students needs, Provide encouragement, Offer guidance 


Educators can provide constructive feedback to students with communication anxiety by

Offering specific praise for efforts, Focus on areas of improvement rather than criticism, Provide actionable suggestions for growth 


It is important for educators to address communication anxiety to support student success because

It helps create a supportive learning environment where all students can…actively participate, engage with course material, Develop essential communication skills necessary for academic and personal success