Communication Process
Types of Communication
Style of Communication
Communication Barriers
Application Questions
The __________encodes thoughts into verbal and nonverbal message
What is Sender?
_________, __________ and _________ are the three types of communication.
What is verbal(words), Nonverbal (Body Language) and Electronic ( text/email)
_________, _________, _______, ________ and ______ are the five styles of verbal communication.
What is content, themes, verbal emotions, pace/tone, vocabulary. Could include: hostility refusal to speak or inability, and difficulties such as slurring.
This type of communication is non-therapeutic. An example is where an individual strongly asserts the person's rights and opinion with little regard or respect to others. -Humiliates, dominates, controls or embarrasses the other person.
What is Aggressive Communication?
A nurse understands that her patient is in pain. The patient has asked her doctor for pain medication with no success. The patient continues to complain of pain and still has no pain medication. It is the nurse's responsibility to advocate for her patient? What type of communication does the nurse in this situation need to utilize?
What is assertive communication?
The ________decodes the message
What is receiver?
____________ is the least used element of communication.
What is words?
List 5 styles of nonverbal communication.
What is gestures, body movements, affect, posture and gait, personal appearance, and eye contact.
Screaming, rudeness, direct personal insults are effective or non effective forms of communication.
What is non-effective communication? Correct because all the described behaviors are considered barriers to communication.
The patient is crying and the nurse enters the room and says to her, " well I do not know why you are crying, it could always be worse... you're still breathing!! This would be considered what type of communication?
What is aggressive communication? (Rude & disrespectful)
Receiver transmits __________ to indicate understanding of message.
What is feedback?
___________ is the most common element utilized with communication.
What is Body Language?
A type of communication that is important for preventing med errors, promoting better client outcomes, preserve nurse integrity, clients safety and a better working environment.
What is Effective Communication?
Failure to __________ is considered the number one communication barrier.
What is a listen?
The nurse is communicating with a well-oriented older adult client in a long-term care setting. Which statement best reflects respectful and caring communication? 1. “Are we ready for our shower?” 2. “It’s time to go to the dining room, honey.” 3. “Are you comfortable, Mrs. Smith?” 4. “You would rather wear the slacks, wouldn’t you?”
What is #3? All other answers are considered elder speaking.
A person cannot not communicate. Tor F
What is true?
____________ ranked 38% in elements used for communication.
What is voice tone?
This type Communication includes: -honest direct and appropriate communications -open to ideas -respecting rights of others -using "I" versus "you" statements
What is Assertive Communication?
When a nurse decides to go take her lunch break, instead of addressing her patients request for a shower. Why do you think this would be a barrier to communication?
What is placing her personal needs in front of the patients needs. Result will harm the nurse-patient relationship. A lose of trust may develop and become a future communication barrier.
The nurse asks the client, “What do you fear most about your surgery tomorrow?” This is an example of which of the following communication techniques? 1. Providing general leads 2. Seeking clarification 3. Presenting reality 4. Summarizing
What is #1? Correct. It encourages the client to verbalize and choose the topic of the conversation. 2. This option is used when the nurse is unsure of the message and asks the client to repeat or restate the message. 3. This option is used to help a client differentiate the real from the unreal, and there is no information available to indicate this is a concern in this situation. 4.This option is used at the end of an interview or teaching session.
___________, __________, _________and ___________are four factors that may influence the communication process.
What is development, gender, values, perceptions, and personal space?
Which nurse behaviors listed indicate caring communication to the patient? No eye contact, constant talking from nurse, listening, touch, telling patient everything will be alright
What is touch and listening?
This type of communication allows the rights of others to be violated. This type of communication sends messages of insecurity, own feelings are not important, no backbone.
What is submissive, or non assertive communication?
When the nurse thinks she decoded a message correctly, what is her next step to achieving effective communication.
What is.. confirm the understanding with the patient.
A student nurse is caring for a 72-year-old client with Alzheimer’s disease who is very confused. The most appropriate communication strategy should include which of the following? 1.Written directions for bathing 2.Speaking very loudly 3.Gentle touch while providing ADLs 4.Flat facial expression
What is #3? Patient is not hard of hearing, written communication requires a higher level of consciousness than verbal. Lack of facial expression may provoke fear.