Celebrities / Famous People
American Schools
English Vocab

Born in Bonn, this famous German composer is known for his Symphony No. 5 and dozens of other influential compositions

Who is Ludwig van Beethoven?


This U.S. state is often visited by those going to see the famous enormous Redwood trees

What is California?


This language is by far the most common foreign language for American students to study

What is Spanish?


When walking to the other side of a street, it is best to do so in or on one of these, as walking to the other side elsewhere is technically illegal

What is a crosswalk?


This language is the official language of Brazil

What is Portuguese?


This British actress portrayed Hermione Granger in the popular Harry Potter film franchise

Who is Emma Watson?


These 4 countries make up the island nation of the United Kingdom

What are England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland?


For many American students, this event is the best night in High School, as they get dressed up in gowns and tuxedos, and enjoy music and dancing

What is prom?


As an adjective, this word describes an area (often a town or village) that is far from other cities or people. As a noun, it helps to have this nearby when watching TV

What does remote mean?


Taylor Swift made headlines (big shocker) when she started dating an NFL star from this NFL Franchise

Who are (or what is) the Kansas City Chiefs?


When not getting "to the chopper" or trying to destroy the world as the Terminator, this Austrian-born actor was also the the governor of California for 8 years

Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?


Yucatan, Iberian, and Balkan are all examples of this physical/geographical feature

What is a peninsula?


Instead of staying in one classroom, American students typically go room-to-room, storing their books, bags, and other items in these

What are lockers?


As a noun or an adjective, this word often refers to either someone who is doing an activity or sport non-professionally, or does not have professional expertise

What does amateur mean?


This celebration is typically considered to be the most important one on the Chinese calendar.

Bonus opportunity (+100 pts.): how many days does this celebration last?

What is the Spring Festival or the Chinese New Year?

It lasts 15 days


This famous female singer released iconic tracks, such as Diamonds and Umbrella

Who is Rihanna?


This city is the largest city in the world

What is Tokyo?


American students often begin High School in this grade (or year) after finishing Middle School

What is 9th Grade?


This phrase (used outside of a kitchen context) is modern American slang to say "I'm tired"

What does "I'm cooked" mean?


It may come as a surprise to some that this dish is considered by many to be one of England's "national dishes"

What is chicken tikka masala?


This American rap artist is performing this year's Super Bowl Halftime Show, after releasing a series of famous diss tracks against Drake

Who is Kendrick Lamar?


This city is the capital of the only country which is also a continent

What is Canberra?


These kinds of schools (first answer) typically cost extra and require uniforms, while these schools do not

What are private schools and public schools?


This word refers to the formation of a word from a sound associated with what it is. Examples include: zap, bark, splash, buzz, and chirp

What does Onomatopoeia mean?


If not a fictional character, Dracula's nationality would be this (using current geographical boundaries)

What is Romanian?