This approach favors "curing" the client by using "scientific" ways of knowing.
What is the "medical model"?
It is referred to as the "platform."
What are "current conditions"?
This can be accomplished by complimenting the client, calling attention to the "good news" about a client's choice, reinforce valuable perception?
What is affirming? (or: to affirm)
In this consulting model, consultant and client co-construct a bridge.
What is the "process" model? (Will also accept "solution-focus," "SF," "strengths-based")
It is referred to as "the future-perfect"?
What are the desired alternative future conditions?
These can be inferred from a client's nonverbal signals, such as vocal emphasis or smiling.
What are "alive words"?
This model presupposed mystery, opacity, and subjectivity when attempting to understand conditions in place.
What is the "process" (or "SF"/etc.) model?
This template summarizes the key features of the SF approach to facilitating change?
What is the "S-I-M-P-L-E" template? ( use of what's there... possibilities... language simplicity...every case unique)
Instead of this, you can say, "That's really useful information for me" or "What you're saying makes sense to me."
What is "I understand"?
It is the set of four steps/phases a consultant facilitates.
What is the interrogatory sequence?
You "ascend" or "descend" this in order to get more or less abstract in the language you use.
What is the ladder of abstraction?
This is briefly (in just a few words) summarizing what a client has said thus far.
What is wavetopping?
It is the process of converting an abstract concept to observable, measurable, actionable terms.
What is "communication-izing"?
What are resources? (Or: strengths)
Roughly 25% of a coaching intervention should be allocated for this task.
What is identification of strengths? (Will also accept identification of next steps, with 20-25% recommended)