Types of Networks
Nonverbal Communication, Flow of Communication, and Barriers
The Communication Process
Formal and Informal Communication
Real-World Application

A systematic line of communication among various senders and receivers

What is a communication network?

Facial expressions, tone of voice, and posture are all components of this form of communication.
What is nonverbal communication?
The passage of information between one person or group to another person or group.
What is communication?
This diagram represents the "grapevine" or the informal lines of communication.
What is the sociogram?
The president of a certain company issues a memo to the chief of operations, who then tells the plant foreman. The foreman then gathers all of the bottom line workers to give them the memo.
What is an example of the "Y" communication network?
The flow of information in these 3 different communication models is directed through specific members; information can go either downwards or upwards through the network.
What is a centralized network?
When messages flow in a pattern from the superiors down to the subordinates.
What is downward communication?

The acknowledgment that a message has been received and understood.

What is feedback?

When official messages must be sent up or down the hierarchy, they typically follow the lines shown in this diagram.
What is the organigram?
An employee sees an important message on a bulletin board in the breakroom, and proceeds to tell other employees about the importance of the message, even though he may interpret it wrong or over-exaggerate it.
What is the grapevine effect?
This communication network involves 2 status levels--the higher level manager is the hub through which all messages must pass.
What is the wheel model?

When the sender of a message nonverbally communicates expectations to a receiver, influencing his/her behavior.

What is the Pygmalion Effect?

An example of jargon.
What is I/O? (referring to Industrial/Organizational Psychology) or anything elseyou can come up with!
One of the three factors that determine the pattern of communication links that form the "grapevine."
What is friendship, usage, and efficiency?
Guest: So what are you doing after you get out of work? Employee: Well, I am hoping to get an ER for 14:00, then I'm gonna go the to TTC and spend some time at MK before heading over to DAK. The guest has no idea what is being talked about because of the effect of this.
What is jargon?
These types of communication networks are better at dealing with complex, creative processes and abstract problem solving--they do not work well in straightforward, repetitive situations.
What are decentralized communication networks?
Deciding to omit part of a message because it contains potentially bad news.
What is the MUM effect?
An example of a channel of communication.
What is speaking, a memo, a text message, an email, etc?
This can help reinterate important messages that have been sent through formal lines of communication channels.
What is the "grapevine?"

During the telephone call, the receiver kept asking questions to clarify concerns, repeated the caller's words, and provided feedback--this has the advantage of improving the effectiveness of the communication flow in terms of greater comprehension and mutual understanding.

What is active listening?

This network allows for complete freedom among communication links with the opportunity for maximum feedback, because all members are directly accessible to one another.
What is the all channel, or comcon, communication network?
Though important, this form of communication can also hinder worker productivity.
What is lateral communication?
These are the three factors of the communication process.
What are source factors, channel factors, and audience factors?
A negative side effect of the "grapevine".
What are rumors?
During the building of the U.S. Air Force's Stealth Bombers, this effect was in operation as officers systematically suppressed bad news about the problems of the project from reaching the higher-level officers.
What is the MUM effect?