What are the two most important words to start a sentence when talking about your feelings? (Hint: It's "I _____")
I feel....
What does the "S" stand for in SODAS? (either S works)
Second "S"- identify a SOLUTION
What should you say after someone talks to show you are listening?
"I heard you say..." or "It sounds like..."
General rules- nod, respond on topic, ask a follow up question
Show me what a happy face looks like!
Smiling, eye contact, good posture
If someone is crying, what is one thing you could say to be kind?
Do you want to talk about it?
It looks like your sad, how can I help?
Mom is feeling overwhelmed, and you want to help. What might you do?
Look at the chore chart. Notice areas that need cleaning. Ask her how you can help. Give her space.
Why is it important to think of more than one solution when solving a problem?
Help identify which solution works best int his situation.
True or False: Good listeners interrupt to share their own stories.
BONUS- 200 extra points if you can share one challenge you face when trying to be a good listener.
What emotion might someone feel if they just won a prize?
Excited, happy, joy, hopeful, shocked, surprised
What does "putting yourself in someone else’s shoes" mean?
Considering their point of view, seeing it from their side
Fill in the blank:
"I feel ______ when ______ because ______. I need ______."
What is a "disadvantage" when thinking through a problem?
What is one way to show with your body that you are listening?
Eye contact, facing the person, nodding
How can you tell if someone is feeling nervous?
Nonverbal- shaking, red face, limited eye contact, crying
Verbals- stating how they feel, shaky voice, quiet volume, minimal speaking
How would your family member feel if you canceled plans or told them you didn't want to hang out anymore?
Upset, hurt, disappointed, confused
Why is it helpful to start a sentence with "I feel..." instead of "You always..." when you’re upset?
You forgot your homework at home. Use the SODAS method to think of at least two options and their pros and cons.
Situation- Forgot homework
Options- Call mother to bring it. Tell the teacher.
*Advantages- Calling mom- I don't get in trouble. Telling the teacher- I own up to my mistake, and accept the consequences.
*Disadvantages- Calling mom- I may not be allowed. She may be upset. Telling the Teacher- I get in trouble at school and miss recess or get a bad grade.
Solution- YOU PICK
If a friend says, "I’m sad because my best friend is ignoring me," what is a good way to show you are listening?
Ask a follow up questions- What happened?
See how you can support- What can I do for you?
Give appropriate affection- hug or hand hold
Name a situation where someone might feel two different emotions at the same time.
EXAMPLE: Snow Day - sad because you miss your friends and happy to have down time
Why might a parent get upset if kids don't help out with chores?
Families are teams and all members should participate, in age-appropriate ways, to help the team work smoothly
Reward this sentence: You never listen to me!
I feel sad when you interrupt me.
I feel annoyed when I have to repeat myself.
What are the five steps of the SODAS problem-solving method?
What is reflection listening, and why is it important?
It helps you understand another person's point of view without jumping to conclusions. It always you to stay calm and solve the problem, in order to repair the situation and/or building a closer relationship with someone.
What’s the difference between feeling frustrated and feeling angry?
Similar. Frustration is due to something happen outside of your control. Anger is an umbrella or secondary emotion that can appear for multiple reasons (hungry, tired, disappointment, embarrassed).
You and your mom both want the last piece of cake. What are two different perspectives in this situation?
Mom- only had one slice and made or bought the cake
Daughter- cake for her birthday and wants to enjoy her celebration one more time