Verbal Communication
Non-Verbal Comm.
Facial Expressions
Volume & Tone

True or False: We communicate about all of the same things with our friends and our job coaches



Name one non-verbal communication strategy to show that you are listening to someone when they are talking.

looking at them (eye contact), facing them


How can you tell someone is happy?



When someone is angry, will the volume of their voice by loud or quiet?



True or False: Good communication skills can help you get and keep a job. 

True- Essential Communication Skills for your Job are Listening, Friendliness, Open Mindedness, Feedback (accepting and providing), Confidence, and Non-Verbal Communication


Name one way to keep a conversation going

Asking questions


What does crossing your arms over your chest say to others when you are in a group of people

you are closed off from the conversation, you are uninterested


How can you tell someone is sad? Think- eyebrows, eyes, mouth

-Eyebrows- pointed downward

-Eyes- not looking at the person, looking down, may be crying

-Mouth- Frown, straight across


When you are in a library, should the volume of your voice be loud or quiet?



Why are communication skills important?

they help us get what we want, they help us make friends, they help us get a job and do well in building job skills. 


What's something you do to improve your communication skills?

Learn to Listen, Pay Attention to Body Language, Show Respect, Maintain Eye Contact, Ask Questions, Have Emotional Awareness, Avoid Interrupting, Keep It Positive, Speak Clearly, Avoid Using Your Phone, Think Before You Speak, Avoid Filler Words (UM, LIKE, WELL). 


What is one example of non-verbal communication?

Body Language: making eye contact with the person who is speaking, have an open gaze, smile naturally, laugh openly and appropriately, keep your neck open, keep your arms by your sides, open palms, use natural hand gestures, stand up straight with good posture, stand with your feet apart, keep feet pointed towards the person your are talking to.  


How does your face look when you are interested in a conversation. Think- eyebrows, eyes, and mouth

Eyebrows- raised

Eyes- Looking at the person

Mouth-closed, maybe with a little smile


When you are answering a question during class, why is it important to think about your volume of your voice?

To make sure everyone can hear what you have to say


What is a way to communicate?

verbally, non-verbally, written


What is something that you might talk to your job coach about, that you might NOT talk to your peers about

how you did at your volunteer site, your tasks at work, how you did with the tasks at your volunteer site 


If you are texting on your cell phone when someone is talking to you, what message does that send to another person?

You are not interested, you don't care

Why are facial expressions important for communication?

Lets people know how you are feeling


True or False: People can say the same words, in two different ways and they can mean completely different things


"We are very close" (physically in close proximity to another person, near) 


 "We are very close" (Have a relationship/ friendship with/ directly related to) 


Name two people you might communicate with while you at your volunteer site.

Peer, Job Coach, Volunteer Site Supervisor, Other Volunteers, People in the Community, Customers


What is "small talk"?

Short and simple conversation with someone you do not know well. 


When someone's hands are on their hips and they are tapping their foot, what are they trying to communicate?

they are annoyed, or angry


Why should you be aware of your facial expressions when you are talking to others, especially those people that you have just met?

Give off a good impression, want the facial expressions to match what you are saying. 


If you are messing around with your friends, what kind of tone might you use?



What is advocating for yourself?

Asking for what you need to succeed!

Expressing your views and wishes, and help you stand up for your rights/ beliefs