Listening Skills
Aggressive Communication

How can a person demonstrate active listening other than using their ears.   

body language, smile, nodding head, asking questions, keeping conversation by talking with the person


A way of acting and communicating where a person expresses their feelings, needs, and rights without any regard or respect for the needs, rights, and feelings of others.

Aggressive communication


What is the name of your Burrell counselor or SBSS? 



Three ways that Sheldon demonstrated poor listing. 

Did not pass the butter. 

Only focused on what he was worried about. 

Did not pick up on any body language clues.

Answers may very.


Three examples of aggressive communication at school. 

Answers vary. 


What is the date for the first day of school this year? 

August 16th


One way you can show someone you are listening to them. 

Eye contact, face towards them, body language, ask questions, nod your head, say "yeah, okay, I see", stay focused. Answers may vary. 


Opposite of aggressive communication.

Passive communication


Passive/Assertive/Aggressive Communication- Spongebob (

Explain one example demonstrated in the video.  

Answers will vary. 


A communication skill that involves going beyond simply hearing the words that another person speaks.

Active Listening 


Nick and Jack were playing catch with a football they found after school on the playground. While playing catch they didn't notice two 8th graders quickly walking to them. One 8th grader hit the ball out of the air as it was about to reach Jack. At the same time the other 8th grader started name calling and yelling at Nick and Jack for being thieves. Nick and Jack immediately got defensive and began yelling back at the 8th graders for being rude and mean. Nick tripped over the fallen football shoving an 8th grader into Jack causing a fight to break out between all the students. Parents and teachers had to intervein and later resulted to everyone who was involved getting OSS.

What were the two examples of aggressive communication? 

Yelling and name calling

Hitting the ball out of the air

Walking quickly at the students

8th graders body language 


Explain in your own words the best way to relax after a stressful school day. 

1 relaxation coping skill of your choice 


Tim is telling Beth about an argument he had with his parents. Beth is annoyed that Tim is complaining again about another argument that Tim had at home because this happens so often for him, he talks about it all the time. Beths family gets along almost all the time and doesn't have the same issues. Beth says randomly, "Oh, that sounds bad." and "I cannot believe they did that." as Tim is talking. While Beth says this, she is thinking about what she wants to eat for lunch and the football game her and her friends will go to this evening. When Tim is done telling his story, he ends with asking Beth, "What do you think I should do because I thought I did the right thing to begin with." Beth then realized she couldn't answer his question and said, "I have no idea Tim." Tim was very upset and disappointed, and Beth didn't know how to comfort her friend. 

What is one thing Beth have done differently?

Stayed focused on the conversation. 

Shown more sympathy at the end of the conversation.

She should have not pretended to listen. 


Nick and Jack were playing catch with a football they found after school on the playground. While playing catch they didn't notice two 8th graders quickly walking to them. One 8th grader hit the ball out of the air as it was about to reach Jack. At the same time the other 8th grader started name calling and yelling at Nick and Jack for being thieves. Nick and Jack immediately got defensive and began yelling back at the 8th graders for being rude and mean. Nick tripped over the fallen football shoving an 8th grader into Jack causing a fight to break out between all the students. Parents and teachers had to intervein and later resulted to everyone who was involved getting OSS. 

How could this situation have been handled differently by all four students. 

Answers will vary. 


The Big Bang Theory Active Listening - english sub (

Who demonstrated active listening during the "Please pass the butter, example?" 

Girl, Amy.