Name that Communication Style
Act it Out
Let's get nonverbal
Check the Instant Replay
Trivia for folks who weren't paying attention

Hey Monica, I just wanted to let you know that I felt uncomfortable when my stamp collection was brought up in front of all the cool kids. It would make me feel better if you let me pick what things to share about myself.

What is assertive? Are stamps not cool anymore?


Select one person in the group to demonstrate what a passive communicator might say/do when asked where they would like to go eat.

I feel like there might be somewhere you actually want to go, but you're just not telling me.


This gosh darn website wants me to pay $20 to add pictures. So instead I shall some nonverbal cues in text. So here you go. 

Slumped shoulders, minimal eye contact, low speaking volume

What is passive? You shoulda seen the picture I was going to use for this. Guy looked real shy and sad. I don't even think he was acting when he took the stock photo. Hope he's okay.


Name that communication style from this restaurant owner who was featured on the show Bar Rescue. Do you know him?

What is passive? There was nothing passive about the way that man ran the ball. Absolute dawg.


This midwestern city doesn't usually have much going on, but come June the College World Series takes over the town.

What is Omaha, Nebraska? S/O Elizabeth



What is passive?


Select two people in your group to act out how to assertive communicators would speak/act in a disagreement about whether or not a hot dog is a sandwich.

It's not a sandwich, it's a hot dog. It just doesn't work. And that's why we have dialectics because two opposing things can be true at the same time. So a hot dog is and isn't a sandwich. If it is and isn't, is it real? Are we real?


Stiff posture, glare, high volume when speaking

What is aggressive? The guy in this picture I used as reference looks like that one dad at his kid's baseball game arguing balls and strikes. Embarrassing. 


Name that communication style demonstrated by this fast food restaurant owner famous for a rivalry with his old best friend.

What is aggressive? Who knows what he would do if he got his hands on the Krabby Patty formula. Probably just mess it up. 


The home of the US Air Force academy.

What is Colorado Springs, Colorado? S/O Emily.


Hey Monica, Could you not be a total b**** the next time we're talking to the cool kids. You're really cramping my style. GAWD!

What is aggressive? Geez that was harsh.


Select two people in the group to demonstrate how aggressive communicators would speak/act out a conversation where an athlete disagrees with the call made by the referee. 

Golly gee. That was intense. Settle down guys. We have video reviews for a reason. 


Eye Rolls, closed off posture, saying things under breath

What is passive aggressive? The passive aggressive picture game on google images was kinda weak ngl.


Name the communication style demonstrated by this world renowned chef in an interaction with one of his colleagues.

What is passive aggressive? Yeah Yeah I know. Another Spongebob one. Sue me.


This recent NFL hall of fame inductee holds the Bears record for most games played in a row.

Who is Steve McMichael? HaHa I bet yall guessed Devin Hester. Or maybe you know ball better than I thought.


Hey Monica, gee it was cool to sit with the cool kids today. I had soooooo much fun, especially when you brought up my stamp collection. That was my favorite part.

What is passive aggressive? Like tell us how you really feel bro.


Select two people in the group. One shall be an assertive communicator and the other will be a passive aggressive communicator. Demonstrate how the two might speak/act in a conversation about whether or not boneless wings count as regular wings.

Guys let's be real boneless wings aren't actually wings, but I do order them to avoid the mess of bone in wings. 


Appropriate eye contact, loud enough speaking volume, open body posture, nodding along to things you're saying.

What is assertive? For some reason so many of the pictures on google images have people talking with their hands. Good ole Ricky Bobby would never be able to be assertive if it required hands.


Alright we're getting away from restaurant people. Name the communication x2 demonstrated by this all pro Stanford grad and also the one by this famous sideline reporter.

What is aggressive and assertive communication? You know I thought Michael Crabtree wasn't half bad.


Marty Cooper, the inventor of the cell phone, was a graduate of this university located in Chicago, Illinois.

What is Illinois Institute of Technology? Now that's a fun fact. That little brick you stare at for hours a day came from a dude not too far away.


Oh Francis. You don't have to be upset about the stamps. It's no big deal. Nobody cares. Just get over yourself. LOL.

What is aggressive? And also invalidating af sheesh


Select one person in the group to act out how an aggressive communicator might communicate aggressively and also not be upset about something. Woa tricky. It is for 500 points.

A performance worthy of an Oscar. I'm tearing up writing this out thinking about how beautiful of a performance this is going to be at 5:08pm.

Uh oh it's another acting one. Woop Woop. So here we go. Pick two people in the group to act. The two people will come up with a communication style they will demonstrate and tell it to one of the facilitators. Then they will act out their skit and we'll see if the group can get it right. Also, during the skit you can only use the words "peas, carrots, watermelon." So you're gonna hafta get into them nonverbals.

Wow. Such beauty. Such grace. The art of acting is alive and well. Once again I would be crying now, but these tears were shed during the writing of this question in anticipation of the beautiful performance that took place at 5:23pm.


Not restaurant related, but food related. Name the communication style demonstrated by this chill dude.

What is assertive? I wonder what made Mr. Hand so cranky. Jeff Spicoli never did anything to him.


This is a Sean question. I doubt yall get it right. Nobody ever does. Two of college baseball's all time winningest coaches (regardless of level) coached at Illinois schools. Their names are Aguie Garrido (2nd all time) and Gordie Gillespie (3rd all time). Name the three schools they coached with.

What are the University of Illinois, Lewis University and University of St. Francis? Hard question dudes. Nobody ever gets it right.