Where do all Glass items go?
Safety Closet
Why do staff need to be approved to drive before driving a Heritage Vehicle?
Because of Liability and Insurance.
... Soon to come: Mandatory physical test.
Place these items in their correct areas...
1. Packing Tape
2. MP3
3. Rocks
1. Packing Tape- Unauthorized (small tape, without dispenser/ Safety Closet)
2. MP3- HM
3. Sharp rocks- Unauthorized, Smooth rocks- Safety closet
What does a parent need to talk to their student?
Student ID#
If they dont have it, refer to therapist or welcome to heritage email when they
Are students and random staff allowed the communications center?
Who's allowed to pickup mail?
Staff ONLY
What are the Heritage cars used for?
Aiport and Medical Runs ONLY
- When in doubt, call
If a phone comes in for a Student, what do you do?
Put a "Hold for Therapist" sticker on it and set it on the "Therapist approval" shelf... Call and or email the therapist & home manager.
If neither of them want to hold the phone. Stick it in the Student items bin. (add to sheet)
If a parent call for a staff what do you do?
WARM TRANSFER... let the staff know who's calling and if theyre available.
Where do you find the CIRT number and what is it used for?
Communication Information on Keeps
It's used for directors, HM & therapist to call and discuss a student's behaviour.
What do you do when an Elevate student gives you a letter to send out?
DONT TAKE IT! They need to give it to their Therapist themselves.
note: ALL foundation student mail (recieved) goes to therapist.
Who do you give out the Campus Keys and Master Key to?
Campus Coordinator, Staff with an Office that will give it back right away.
Place these items in their correct areas...
1. Alcoholic Markers
2. Backpacks
3. Speakers
1. Alcoholic Markers- Sharpies, UNAUTHORIZED. Elevate- All UNAUTHORIZED. Spark- TBD
2. Elevate- Unauthorized, Spark- Authorized
3. Unauthorized for Elevate Foundations ONLY. HM for other homes.
How can we identify a visitor and staff from a student?
Staff Badges- We need to start wearing our badges
Visitor Sticker- Make sure that Everyone who stays on campus for a while has a visitor sticker
(not including parent workshop)
When a parent comes to pick up a student what do you do?
take down their ID# on the visit pass AND the shift report.
(not including parent workshop)
When do you message staff about their packages and letters in communications?
Every night
What do you do if someone reports thats something is wrong with a vehicle?
Take note of it on the the "Van Stats" sheet and tag Nohealani
When should a parent be contacted after putting in the UED item?
That same day (dont have time? ask your co-worker on the shift report to do it)
Where do Enrollment Packets and Sundance packets go?
Enrollment- Cindy Gagon's box
Sundance- HR Box
What steps do you need to taker to help the staff qualify to take the sundance passes?
1. Sign the form
2. Put employee name in authorized sheet
3. Put form in HR mail box.
What items do we NOT put on the Inventory spreedsheat?
1. Staff Letters that DONT go in the "General Staff" mail box
2. Door dash
3. Student letters that go to therapist
note: UED items, put in the spreadsheat, but times stamp them "Unauthorized"
If a day is full for Sundance and a home or student wants to go, what do you do?
Call Nohealani. Dont take away passes from a staff.
If its been over a week and we dont have a destination, what should you do next?
Call the Parent- No answer?... Send another email.
Name the Program Manager for Spark and Elevate
Summit & Snowbird- Janelle Sanchez
Timpanogos & Rainier- Kaleb Markert
Titan & Wasatch- Sam Crossley
Aurora & Yosemite- Becky Marx
Foundations- Dalton
Horizons- Kellen
Echo- Abby
What does KPI stand for
1. Key Possession Inc
2. Key Performance Indicators
3. Keep Progressive Ideas
2. Key Performance Indicators