Comms Strategy
Crisis Comms
Internal Comms
Media Relations

What is the main goal of a crisis communication plan?

The main goal of a crisis communication plan is to effectively manage and mitigate the impact of a crisis on an organization's reputation and stakeholders by providing timely and transparent information.


What are the key steps to take when preparing for a crisis communication scenario?

The key steps to take when preparing for a crisis communication scenario include risk assessment, developing a crisis communication plan, identifying spokespersons, and conducting media training.


What is the primary purpose of an employee newsletter in internal communication?

The primary purpose of an employee newsletter in internal communication is to keep employees informed about company news, updates, and events, fostering a sense of belonging and involvement.


What are the key differences between earned media, owned media, and paid media?

Earned media refers to media coverage gained through public relations efforts, owned media consists of content created and controlled by the organization, and paid media involves advertising and promotional content for which the organization pays.


What is greenwashing?

false environmental claims companies make to boost company perception.


Name three components of an effective internal communication strategy.

Three components of an effective internal communication strategy include clear messaging, employee engagement, and feedback mechanisms.


Define the term "crisis communication spokesperson" and explain their role.

A crisis communication spokesperson is a designated individual authorized to communicate with the media and the public during a crisis. Their role is to provide accurate and timely information and maintain the organization's reputation.


Describe the role of leadership in fostering effective internal communication.

Leadership plays a crucial role in fostering effective internal communication by setting an example, communicating the company's vision, and being accessible and open to employee feedback.


Explain the term "media pitch" and provide an example of an effective pitch.

A media pitch is a concise and persuasive message sent to journalists or reporters to persuade them to cover a story or event. An effective pitch highlights the newsworthiness and relevance of the topic.


What is greenhushing?

"Greenhushing" is when a company tries to hide or downplay its environmental efforts and climate commitments


Explain the concept of stakeholder analysis in corporate communication.

Stakeholder analysis in corporate communication involves identifying and understanding the individuals or groups that have an interest in or can be affected by an organization's activities and decisions.


Give an example of effectively managing a crisis through transparent communication.

Effective crisis communication through transparency can be seen in the way Johnson & Johnson handled the Tylenol poisoning crisis by recalling products and openly communicating with the public.


Explain the concept of "bottom-up" communication.

"Bottom-up" communication refers to the flow of information from employees to management or leadership, allowing employees to voice concerns, ideas, and feedback.


How can companies build and maintain positive relationships with journalists and reporters?

Building and maintaining positive relationships with journalists and reporters involves providing them with accurate information, being responsive to their inquiries, respecting deadlines and getting regularly in front of them.


What percentage of companies do NOT have a long-term strategy for their communications?



What is the difference between push and pull communication strategies?

Push communication strategies involve proactively publishing information to an audience, while pull communication strategies focus on providing information only when requested.


What is an escalation protocol in crisis communication?

An escalation protocol in crisis communication defines the steps and criteria for escalating a crisis situation to higher levels of management or authority within an organization.


What is an intranet platform and how can they improve internal communication within a company?

Intranet platforms improve internal communication by providing a central hub for sharing information, documents, and company news in an organized and accessible manner.


What is a media kit?

A media kit is a package of promotional materials that includes company background, press releases, images, and contact information. It is provided to journalists for easy access to information about the organization.


How many emails are sent every day across the world?

205.6 billion


How can storytelling be used as a communication strategy to engage an audience?

Storytelling can be used as a communication strategy to engage an audience by presenting information in a compelling and relatable narrative format that resonates with the audience's emotions and experiences.


How can social media be both a challenge and an asset in crisis communication?

Social media can be a challenge in crisis communication due to its speed and the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly. However, it can also be an asset for providing real-time updates and engaging with concerned stakeholders.


What is the purpose of an all-hands meeting, and how often should it be held?

The purpose of an all-hands meeting in internal communication is to bring together employees from all levels of the organization to provide updates on company performance, goals, and initiatives. These meetings are typically held quarterly or annually.


What steps could a company take to handle a negative news story effectively?

To handle a negative news story effectively, a company should respond promptly and focus on providing accurate and transparent information.


What is the strongest topic to solidify employee engagement?

Regularly communicate shared vision and goals