Communication Forms
Graphic Organizers
Essays and persuasive writing

Describe what an audience is.

The people who you want to read/watch/listen to your creation.


Name one thing you SHOULDN'T do when writing an email.

Possible answers:

- Using short forms of words (ur, u, bc)

- Use informal language (sup, bro, lit)

- Write things that are irrelevant/unclear (idk what im even doing)

- Use improper grammar/spelling (im, didnt, luv)


What is a graphic organizer used for?

Organizing our thoughts and ideas.


Name one scenario where you may have to write a letter.

E.g., Letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, letters requesting changes or making suggestions, love letters, etc.


Describe a scenario where you might need to persuade someone.

Examples: when you are trying to decide on the type of pizza to order, when you are debating a topic...


What does communicative writing mean?

A form of writing that intends to share information about something.


What does a "subject" mean when writing emails?

A subject is what your email is about.


Explain how a Venn diagram works.

The two circles on the outside represent the differences between two things, and the intersection in the middle represents the similarities between them.


Describe why we write letters and provide an example of a scenario.

We write letters to communicate information in a professional format. Example: Writing a cover letter for a possible employer.


What is persuasive writing?

Persuasive writing is when you write to try and convince the audience of your opinion.


List 2 forms of communicative writing.

Letters, emails, essays, books


Name 3 scenarios where you would write an email.

Writing an email to your boss/teacher/professor, sending someone a document, when you want to communicate information with a written record...

Name a situation where you might use a Sequence Organizer.

To describe the steps of something. Examples: cooking, building something, water cycle, etc.


Name the 3 major components of letters.

Heading, body, closing


What does the acronym OREO stand for?

Opinion, Reason, Example, Opinion

Explain why communicative writing is important and one example of where it will help you in life.

Communicative writing is important because it allows us to convey information clearly to another person/audience. Example: writing letters for a job application, writing emails to your boss/teacher/professor.


Create a subject line for the following email:

Hi Mr. Smith,

On Friday, I will not be in class because I have a chiropractor appointment. Is there another time I can write the math test?



Subject line: Upcoming Math Test, Absence on Friday...


Describe what a Biography Organizer is used for and give an example of when you'd use it.

It is used to categorize and organize information about a real person. Example: writing a report about Marie Curie.


What does the heading of a letter include?

Date, address, salutation, introduction


Name the 3 parts of an essay and provide an example of what you might say in each.

Introduction, Body, Conclusion


Construct 2 sentences with the same topic but for 2 different audiences: a grade 7/8 student and a kindergarten student.

Ms. Swidersky decides.


Name the 5 required parts of an email.

Subject line, sender/recipient, salutation, body, closing


Create a Venn diagram that compares the criteria for citizenship in Ancient Greece and Canada.

See picture.


Name the 5 things that are included in the closing of a letter.

Conclusion, sign-off, signature, name, contact information


Using the OREO method, persuade me why _______ is the best kind of icecream.

Ms. Swidersky decides.