These two men created a physical pamphlet detailing a vision for a brighter economic world. (Authors of The Communist Manifesto)
Who were Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?
This organization often clashed with the Communist Party and other political organizations over control of numerous cases involving race.
What is the N.A.A.C.P.?
This organization, run by J. Edgar Hoover, was responsible for keeping tabs on Communist activities following the announcement of the Truman Doctrine.
What is the FBI?
These people were the only two people executed for committing atomic espionage in the United States in 1953.
Who were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?
The USSR equivalent of the USA's CIA.
What is the KGB?
The man who succeeded Earl Browder as General Secretary of the Communist Party in 1945. (Ran for president numerous times, one of which was against FDR)
Who was William Z. Foster?
During this case, nine boys were accused of sexually assaulting two white women, and almost all were sentenced to death only to have their sentences overturned by the CP.
What is the Scottsboro case?
This trade union organization's purpose was to aid in the organization of workers and the formation of unionization leagues and it was led by William Z. Foster.
What is TUUL?
These sayings from the USSR that opened people's eyes to what the previous leader of the USSR was really like that ultimately led to the Party's functional demise.
What were the Khrushchev Revelations?
As part of the Truman Doctrine, this coalition of nations was established as a countermeasure to the Communist regime.
What is NATO?
A fugitive from Gastonia who fled to the Soviet Union, only to return and openly denounce Stalin's 5 year plans.
Who was Fred Beal?
What is white chauvinism?
This organization was considered to be the main antagonist of TUUL and the CP especially during the Third Period.
What is the AFL?
This organization was tasked with stopping anti-Communism in the U.S. It also had power to subpoena witnesses, and file contempt charges.
What is HUAC?
This main prosecutor in the Rosenberg trial solicited perjury to convict them but was later disbarred due to unethical practices.
Who is Roy Cohn?
These two Americans were the only two present in the Second World Congress in 1920 held in Moscow, one was representing the CPA, the other from the CLP.
Who were Jack Reed and Louis Fraina?
According to Angelo Herndon's testimony, this organization was responsible for providing unemployment relief to the citizens of Atlanta.
What is the Unemployment Council?
The goal of this organization was to organize the mass- production workers on an industrial rather than agricultural basis following its separation from the AFL.
What is the CIO?
These people were called before HUAC in 1947, and refused to answer their questions on the basis of the First Amendment, leading to their arrest, and ultimately getting blacklisted from their jobs.
Who were the Hollywood Ten?
This letter published the details surrounding the Tehran Conference in 1943, disproving the statements by Earl Browder.
What is the Duclos Letter?
The woman who secretly joined the Party during the 1920's whose rhetoric helped keep workers on the picket lines during the Passaic Textile Strike.
Who was Mary Wheaton Vorse?
What is the "Back to Africa" movement?
Founded in 1936, this organization's purpose was to promote rights for Negroes and the separation from "Jim Crowism", lynching and other forms of mob violence.
What was the NNC (National Negro Congress)?
This term is used to describe a person who seeks support by appealing to a certain aspect of a person's beliefs rather than by any rational argument.
What is a demagogue?
This German physicist worked for the British Communist Party whose records relating to atomic espionage were unknown until the Venona transcripts were released.
Who is Klaus Fuchs?