Independent Living
Financial Planning
Conflict Resolution

What are the first steps to living independently?

Look for an apartment, create a budget, build a routine, set a goal, etc.


What are boundaries?

Sets expectations and limits around a relationship (friends, family, romantic partner, etc.)


What is mindfulness?

Being aware of your internal and external environment.


What is a budget?

A way to keep track of your income and expenses. Having a budget puts you in charge of your money.


You asked for a day off from work, but your boss scheduled you on that day. What should you do?

Ask to speak with them privately and respectfully remind them that you requested that day off in advance and you will be unavailable to work.


How often should you take out your trash? 

As often as your trash is full or when it starts to smell. Some places have a dump to bring your trash, or a garbage truck comes by. 


If your peer comes too close for comfort, what is an appropriate way to respond?

Respectfully and kindly ask them to give you some space. 


What type of skills can you use to decrease stress?

BONUS: name some of these skills

Coping skills: Deep breathing, exercise, listening to or creating music, talking to a trusted person, etc.


What are some common expenses?

Food, rent, commute, phone, healthcare/medication, vacation, etc.


You overhear one of your peers making fun of and/or talking down to another peer (could be a friend but doesn’t have to be). 

What should you do?

If it is safe to do so, respectfully ask the bully to stop. Offer support to your peer who is being bullied. Speak to staff when necessary.


How often should you shower?

It is important to wash your body at least every few days, but some may require daily showers to keep up good hygiene. You should wash your hair every 2-3 days to prevent oil and grease buildup.


Your coworker is attempting to hold your hand or asking to touch or kiss you. This makes you feel uncomfortable especially since you are at work. You try to show you are not interested through your body language, but they continue to make inappropriate advances. What should you do?

Try to set a clear boundary using your words (I.e. “It makes me uncomfortable when you do x,y,z would you please stop?”) If this approach does not work, speak to your supervisor about the issue.


What are things you can be mindful of while on a walk?

Sounds, smells, physical sensations, sights, thoughts, feelings, etc.


How much do you need to have saved in order to move into your own apartment?

Costs will vary, but typically you are required to put down first and last months rent and a security deposit to move in. 

Ex. If the apartment costs $1000/month and there is a $250 security deposit, you will need $2,250

Keep in mind there are resources and funding available for folks with disabilities and/or low income to help the cost of living to be more affordable.


You witness one of your peers getting upset. They are shouting and swearing, and it startles you.

What is an appropriate response?

Give them space to cool off, inform a staff or supervisor if they are unaware, and practice your own coping skills if you need.


How often should you wash your bedsheets?

Every two weeks or once a month is standard, but this may vary from person to person


You made a plan to get together with a friend a week ago, but you are not feeling well so you text your friend to reschedule. They respond by trying to convince you to stick to the plan. What should you say?

Stay effective. Remind your friend that you are not feeling well, but would love to reschedule your plans for a time when you are feeling better.


What are some things you can do to “set yourself up for success”?

I.e. habits and routines you can build to equip your body and mind to better handle stress

Getting enough sleep, taking medication, practicing coping skills when you are not under stress, daily exercise routine, eating healthy, etc.


What is an example of an unexpected expense?

Hospital/medical bill, broken appliances, vehicle expenses, house damage, etc.


Your supervisor at work is persistently rude to you. What should you do?

Practice coping skills to help keep your cool (remember it is not effective to be rude back). You can speak to your HR representative, your job coach, and/or your boss’s supervisor to resolve the issue.


How do you stop an overflowing toilet?

  1. Locate the shut-off valve.
  2. Turn the valve clockwise to the closed position.
  3. If shutting the valve doesn't do the trick, then reach inside the tank and press down on the flapper to create a seal. Hopefully, that does the trick until you can unclog the toilet and flush everything down.
  4. If pressing down on the flapper doesn't do the trick, try manually raising the float ball/cup on the fill valve.


If you have set a boundary with a peer but they are not respecting it, what is an appropriate way to respond to the situation?

I.e. you asked for space but they continue to invade your “bubble”, you asked them not to text/call you but they continue to reach out, etc.

If you have the patience to do so, respectfully set the boundary again then inform your staff, supervisor, or HR representative of the situation so they can address it further. 


How can you stay mindful when your emotions are running high in a public place?

Take deep breaths, find somewhere more private if possible, get outside if you are indoors, repeat positive phrases to build yourself up, take a break from the situation if possible, practice empathy, listen to music, practice other coping skills that work for you


Why is it smart to have a savings account?

To be prepared for an emergency, to save for a big purchase (I.e. car, apartment, electronics, etc)

Some banks offer savings accounts that are difficult to withdraw money from to deter people from dipping into their savings frequently for discretionary expenses


You witness a peer being physically assaulted by another peer. What should you do?

Keep your distance from the aggressive peer, find staff or supervisor and inform them of the incident, offer comfort to the peer who was assaulted if comfortable.