How do police officers help communities?
This community helper helps sick people
doctor, nurse
Where you go to buy food.
Grocery Store, Supermarket
List three community helpers at your school.
teacher, librarian, cross guard, custodian, cafeteria worker, counselor
How does a postal worker help a community?
delivers mail, ets... teacher discretion
This community helper will help you if you have a toothache.
Where you go to get books
Library, Media Center, Book Store
Who helps you check out books?
librarian, Media Specialist
How does a lifeguard help a community?
saves you from drowning, help at the pool, etc. teacher discretion
This community helper builds roads and new buildings.
Construction worker
Where you go to have fun.
Park, swimming pool
Who cooks and serves your food?
cafeteria workers
How does a veterinarian help a community?
helps sick pets, etc... teacher discretion
This community helper helps you learn new things.
Where you go to learn.
Who teaches you?
How does a custodian help our community?
keeps it clean and sanitary, etc.. teacher discretion
This community helper is in charge of your school.
Where you go if you are sick.
doctors office or hospital
Who helps you when you have big feelings at school?
school counselor, teacher, TA, etc. teacher discretion