A community is...
a place where people live, work, and play.
Name a city community that is crowded with buildings and people...
Urban Community
A Suburban community are...
Towns, villages, and small cities with neighborhoods and yards
A country community with less people, lots of land, farms, and animals...
Rural Community
I can help my FCDS community by...
following the Core Values of respect, responsibility, integrity, compassion, and curiosity.
Name one thing you would find in an urban community...
A lot of people, buildings, taxis, busses, sidewalks, roads
Name something you would find in a Suburban community...
Neighborhoods, yards, parks
Name an animal you might see in a Rural community...
Cow, horse, pig, goat
What are Urban, Suburban, and Rural?
Name a way people get around in an Urban community...
taxi, bus, subway, bicycle, walking
Name a type of home in a Suburban community...
Houses, apartments
What is a type of job in a Rural community?
Farmer, teacher
Name a community event at FCDS...
Music on the Lawn
Back to School Night
A type of house that people live in in Urban communities...
An apartment
Families choose to live in Suburban communities because of...
Neighborhoods with yards, less crowded, community pools, quieter
Describe Rural life...
A house on lots of land in nature or on a farm with animals.
Name something that brings communities together...
Culture, food, language, religion, traditions
A lot of grassy land, fields with animals, farms...
Things not found in an Urban community.
How do people travel around Suburban communities?
By car or other vehicle
Name a challenge about living in a Rural community...
Having to make long drives to get to get places.