His most famous quote, " “It’s relationships, not programs, that change children, A great program simply creates the environment for healthy relationships to form between adults and children. Young people thrive when adults care about them on a one-to-one level, and when they also have a sense of belonging to a caring community.”
Who is Bill Milliken?
Their role is to provide supervision & oversight of site coordinators by holding them accountable and supporting them in their role in schools, meeting with principals, and conducting monthly off-campus meetings with site coordinators.
Who are County Contacts?
Communities In Schools was built on this premise.
What is relationships?
This team collaborates with key leaders on school supports and monitors progress towards schoolwide goals. They meet at minimum each progress period for monitoring/adjusting of supports.
What is a School Support Team?
The nation's largest dropout prevention network.
What is CIS?
Their role is to ensure the Site Coordinator has adequate time and office space to enter required data needed to track and assess progress.
Who is the principal?
The frequency in which case managed students should be monitored towards established goals in accordance with the Annual School Support Plan and each student's Student Support Plan.
What is every grading period?
A set of standards and indicators for CIS Student Supports.
What are Total Quality System Standards?
This person coordinates supports to impact school-wide climate and culture.
Who is the site coordinator?
This must be regularly displayed and incorporated into all CIS materials.
What is the licensed partner CIS logo?