Our Ecosystem
Bug Control
Staying in Control
911-What is your Emergency
Get Your Message Across

We perform this on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

What are EOC rounds?


To ensure full disinfection of surfaces it is necessary to keep the surface wet for a specific length of time known as this.

What is dwell time?


Clinic hours and locations are found here.

What is on the doors and in our flyers?


Supplies for disasters are available in these containers located in the clinics.

What are the black totes with yellow tops labeled disaster / emergency box located in AV file room and AD front office 2?


These are the types of patient status for MyChart.

What are activated, pending activation, inactivated, (non-standard MyChart status=50 bonus points)?

Expiring meds and supplies, including the e-kit, are discarded at this time each month.

What is the 4th Wednesday of the month they expire? 


Personal protective equipment kits are found in these locations in the clinic.

What are each nursing pod station.


Our patients are instructed to call this phone number for health issues after hours

What is The Nurse Advise Line? 


For anaphylactic emergencies, you retrieve the kit from this location. 

What is the medication room?

We use this e-platform for the majority of our referrals.

What is eCRM?


All mulit-dose vials should have this placed on them upon opening.

What is date opened and initials?


Laboratory wastes, human specimens / tissue, and blood/contaminated materials are considered to be this 12-letter type of waste. 

What is biohazardous waste?


Professionals who triage patients and give medical advise.

What is Registered Nurses and Providers?


Oxygen and ambu bags / airway management and AEDs are located in this area in each clinic.

What is the lab?


These types of payers (insurance) do not require prior authorization for a referral.

What are FAA and straight MediCal?


Multi-dose vials are considered expired at this time.

What is 28 days after the opened date? 

(except for VFC)


Used medical sharps are always placed here.

What is the closest sharps container?


System that allows for retrieval of medical records during down time.

What is the (down time) back up computer?


Turning on the O2 tank involves these steps

What is check the gauge, use "key" to turn on tank and attach hose?


These patient communication tools available in our EMR.

What is MyChart, letters, or text?


EOC rounds also look for these elements

What are life safety issues? Such as 18" rule, O2 tanks, utility closet, AED, doorway clearance, electrical covers, dirty/clean areas


Blood borne pathogen exposure plan is located here in each clinic.

What is in red binder called Disaster and Emergency binder?


Patient documentation system that can be viewed at every clinic.

What is the EMR or Epic?


To ventilate using an ambu bag, use this technique to keep a tight seal.

What is the "C" maneuver? 


Referral status is update / changed to closed in Epic when this occurs.

What is when outside progress notes are in patient's chart and PCP is notified via inbasket?