PHN Practice
PHN Process
Prevention and Promotion
Diverse Populations I
Diverse Populations II
Practice is grounded in social justice and care is provided to populations
What are cornerstones of public health nursing?
Systems, community, and individual / family
What are the levels of practice a public health nurse focuses care?
Detects and treats problems in their early stages. It keeps problems from causing serious or long-term effects or from affecting others. It identifies risks or hazards and modifies, removes, or treats them before a problem becomes more serious.
What is secondary level of prevention?
Five interventions that a faith community nurse uses
What are teaching, counseling, referral, screening, and collaboration?
Mental health issues, family involvement, and healthy and safe environment
What are major Healthy People issues that relate to children associated with bullying?
Health, environment, person and nursing
What are the major elements of the nursing paradigm?
Community as Partner model
What is used by public health nurses as a process to guide a community assessment?
Government agency where community health nurse can find strategies to promote health and prevent disease.
What is the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP)?
Group that suffers the most and one that is most marginalized and vulnerable to disabilities and disease.
Who are the homeless?
Activities and interventions that the nurse may use for addressing elder falls.
What are home safety checks, medication teaching, encourage exercise, physical exams and rehabilitation?
Nurses having to perform duties outside of the nurse’s area of expertise and having awareness of the plan and nurse’s role
What is emergency preparedness?
Unfreezing, Moving and Refreezing with driving and restraining forces
What are the elements of Lewin's Stages of Planned Change theory?
Contributes to the agenda for making improvements in today’s community health.
What is Healthy People Initiative?
Leading primary prevention for persons who are at risk for homelessness
What is obtaining financial resources to avoid losing utilities and becoming homeless.
Determine if bullying programs and embarrassment policies are in place in the school system, identify the bullying behaviors with a student survey, have a school conference day to disseminate the results of the survey and launch a plan to tackle the problem, implement adult supervision during recess, breaks, and lunch time.
What are prevention activities a school nurse can do for bullying?
Promoting and protecting the health of populations using knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences
What is public health nursing?
Ascertain community need / diagnosis, set goals and objectives, determine strategies and activities, identify needed resources; develop evaluation plan, document the plan
What are steps for planning a community health program?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!! Health issues that transcend national boundaries and may best be addressed by cooperative actions
What is global health?
Intentional or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable population
What is elder abuse?
Advocacy for school children with health problems
What is one of the most important role of the school nurse?
Assessment and Evaluation
What steps in the nursing process is when the nurse collects data?
Key area that community/public health nurses need in working with community members and systems
What is creating partnerships?
Improve quality and years of healthy life; achieve health equity and eliminate health disparities; create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and promote healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages.
What are the overarching goals of Healthy People?
Plan programs where elders gather, use a slow pace, don’t speak too loudly. allow time for sharing, keep teaching sessions short, be repetitive, involve support systems in teachings, be conscious of poor vision, and use large print, and limit handouts
What are considerations for developing health programs for elders?
Starting a support group for newly diagnosed persons with diabetes, health teaching on nutrition and medication, and screening for blood pressure, BMI and glucose.
What is the role of the parish nurse with parishioners with diabetes?