3 safety measures for infants
serve food in small, non circular pieces
tie plastic bags in knots before discarding them
fit the mattress snug against side of crib
lay supine
no extra toys/blankets in crib
Triage and treatment
tachycardia, shaky, difficulty to speak or concentrate
Patient taking scheduled Tylenol
Liver related tests; ALT; Total bilirubin
Type of diet for patient with PKU
low protein
3 Safety Strategies in the home for elderly
remove rugs
no cords out in walking area to pose fall risks
water heater 130 degrees F
4 colors designated in START Triage
Green-walking wounded
gallstones are a risk for what condition
Benefits of raisins
increase fiber; promote digestion; promote Fe absorption; promote bone health
bruises in various stages
underweight, failure to thrive
s/s of abuse
What type of precautions to place a patient suspected to have pneumonic plague?
Place in droplet precautions
s/s cocaine toxicity
tachycardia, hypertension, coronary spasm>>>MI
Diet for person with CAD
Define heart healthy-low fat, low cholesterol
grasp tick as close to the skin as possible
First step in care of patient exposed to Anthrax
antibiotics and antitoxins
needles; blood transfusion prior to testing
Alpha fetoprotein
check for spinal defects
Increase Fe Absorption (other than raisins)
citrus juices
3 adult cancer types and its recommended screening measures
Breast-SBE, mammogram starting at age 40
Prostate-self exam; PSA
Skin-sunscreen, watch for change in mole or irregular shape
Colon-change in bowel habit, annual FOBT, colonoscopy q 10 yrs starting at age 50
4 items to have in your to go kit
water; food; battery powered radio; flashlight; first aid kit; extra batteries; whistle; dust mask; plastic sheeting and duct tape; moist towelettes; garbage bags; wrench or pliers; manual can opener; local maps; cell phone with chargers and backup battery
extrapyramidal symptoms
Antipsychotic medications
confirmatory diagnosis for TB
sputum culture-usually with a bronch
avoid unpasteurized dairy products
keep cold food temps below 40 degrees F
reheat leftovers before eating
wash raw vegetables thoroughly in clean water