
1. Which task should the nurse recommend be referred to an occupational therapist for assistance to a client with COPD?

1. Assessing the client's home for safety and accessibility, help develop strategies to improve safety, accessibility, and comfort.

Other key points to remember!

If the nurse is unable to leave a telephone message, do a drop in visit and leave an agency card.

For client with spills of industrial acid on both arms and legs at work, the nurse should remove nonadherent clothing and wristwatch.


With this "level", the occupational health nurse plays a key role in the rehabilitation and restoration of the worker to an optimal level of functioning.

What is tertiary level?


Child abuse should be suspected if_____? SATA

A.  The caregiver's explanation is not reasonable?

B.  If the injury is not consistent with the explanation?

C. Has multiple bruises on his knees and elbows?

D. If injury does not corelate with the child’s developmental capabilities.

E. Child is afraid of his/her caregiver.

All except "C" are correct. Injury or bruising on knees and elbows is very common among very active and young children. 

Also remember Healthcare providers are mandated reporters if SUSPICION of abuse exists. 

DCFS for children 

Protective services for elderly. 

Offer shelter to IPV victims.


What is this?

1. Also known as domestic abuse, spouse abuse, domestic violence, courtship violence, battering, marital rape or date rape, it is important to understand that the main issue is an imbalance of power. 

2. If not addressed this will not end but escalate.

3. Remove the victim of from the situation and send to shelter

What is Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)?

Facts to remember:

Abusers usually have poor coping skills. 

Abusers have stereotypical thinking (women are weak. women should be subservient to men).  


Define the following.

1. Gives the nurse the opportunity to establish a trust relationship with the client and family to establish credibility as a resource for health information and community referrals in a nonthreatening environment.

2. What should the nurse do if she sees a colleague giving substandard care to a patient. 

1. What is the first home visit?

2. Report the incident and document it as well! 


Select All the Correct Statements R/T cultural competency? 

A. Clients who have language barriers may not seek medical care because of frustration. 

B. The nurse should recognize her own beliefs in order to provide unbiased care to the client.

C.  Culturally competent care is for all clients.

D. Culturally competent care increases the cost of health care.

E. Culturally competent care increases POSITVE outcome for patients and healthcare workers.

All the statements are correct Except for "D". 

Research shows that cultural competence care decreases the cost of health care.


True or False

A client with pneumonia may need another sputum cx (not a 2nd XRAY) if no improvement is seen. 

Some antibiotics may cause constipation encourage stool softener with encouragement to ambulate. (GET A WALKER IF TOO WEAK TO AMBULATE) 

All statements are true. 

Other factors to remember: 

For elderly encourage ambulation with walker 

Encourage hydration to thin out secretions. 

Pneumonia and TB clients' need a 2nd sputum cx. (NOT AN XRAY). 


Why hospice nurses are at such high risk for substance abuse? SATA

A. Nature of their profession. Isolation and stress of seeing death too often

B. Nurses have a tendency for addiction

C. Easy access

D. Belief in the power of meds (they can solve all problems)

All statements are true EXCEPT "B". 


Which statements are true regarding homeless population? SATA

A. A family about to lose their home is homeless. 

B. Homeless population priority is roof above their head.

C. Homeless population often delay seeking healthcare and often get worse quickly.

D. Attending to the complaints of homeless person is a priority. 

"A" is incorrect. This will be imminent homelessness. 

B. C and D are correct. 


Which of the following statements are true? 

A. Clients who are not understood may not seek medical care because of frustration. 

B. The nurse should assess and recognize her own beliefs in order to provide unbiased care to the client. 

C. Culturally competent care is for all clients. 

D. Cultural competence care decreases the cost of health care.

E. Culturally competent care is for compliant clients.

F. Culturally competent care is expensive. 

A, B, C & D are correct. 

 Clients who are not understood may not seek medical care because of frustration. The nurse should recognize her own beliefs in order to provide unbiased care to the client. Culturally competent care is for all clients. Cultural competence care decreases the cost of health care.


Rural population have the following challenges r/t healthcare. SATA

A. Healthcare is expensive and unaffordable to rural population which is also poor. 

B. Fewer healthcare workers are available. 

C. Unique disorders/diseases r/t to occupation exists in this population (exposure to chemicals, pesticides etc). 

D. Higher level of education in this population

E. Access to health care is # 1 priority to rural population.

F. To nurses working in rural areas migrant population should be their #1 priority.

All statements are true except for "D"

Rural population is poor and have lower level of education. Due to poverty rural population cannot afford our very expensive healthcare. In addition there are very few workers who are willing to go and work for less in rural areas. 


Makes up the largest professional group providing health care services to employees in highly complex work environments.

Help workers with compensation for work related injuries, FMLA etc. 

Who is the occupational health nurse?


The most critical health care issues among the incarcerated population are_____?  SATA


B. Mental health, violence and substance abuse

C. Isolation and stress

D. A & B are incorrect.

A, B & C are correct. 


1. True or False 

Poor sanitation and overcrowding are social and environmental factors to contribute to disease development.

2. Model of Sustainability and Innovation (IMSI) is all about effective communication, collaboration, community partnership?

1. True
Some other things to remember

2. True


Breathing and relaxation techniques during labor is important in prenatal education.

Rn can break HIPPA and share the threat of violence by a client (such as threat of mass shooting) and share it with police or other team members.

Ethnocentrism occurs when people view the world from the perspective of their own cultural background and viewpoint. 

The best response by the home health nurse to a client who asks the nurse to pick up his groceries is  "I will help you find some resources that can assist you with shopping.“

If the home health RN enters a house where the partner is violent and abusive, the nurse should return to the agency and report the incidence

If planning a nutritional plan for the community. the nurse should determine local perspective about nutritional needs

Primary prevention for homeless community is advocate for low cost housing.


1. True or False

Every disabled child has the right to be mainstreamed in the education system and be treated with respect and dignity. 

2. In which population caregivers are responsible for most of the required caregiving?

1. True!

2. Population with disability


1. Cancer

2. DM & HTN

3. Vision & hearing

4. Osteoporosis are routine screening for ____ population?

What are routine screening for older adults?


•Select all the risk factors of homelessness

•A. Losing a job

•B. Housing expenses are too high

•C. Cost of living is too high

•D. Lack of motivation to make life better

•E. Lack of college education

•F. Lack of or insufficient social services

All EXCEPT "D & E" are correct. 


Nursing interventions for migrant workers? SATA

1. Arrangement needs to be made to have an interpreter. 

2. Providing information during an already scheduled lunch break will better meet their needs. 

3. Address health care topics that may be unique to this population.

4. Health care and health education should be withheld for undocumented migrants.

5. Health Promotion contains diverse education strategies to meet the needs of different types of learners.

Since the primary language of the clients is Spanish, an arrangement needs to be made to have an interpreter. Migrant workers may not be able to take breaks for health care education, so providing information during an already scheduled lunch break will better meet their needs. A health promotion program geared toward a large group of individuals should contain diverse education strategies to meet the needs of different types of learners. The nurse should address health care topics that may be unique to this population. For example, they may have been exposed to distress, violence, or may have had limited access to preventative or curative services prior to arriving in the country. While many migrant workers have work permits, some may be undocumented and will not be able to provide a permit. Health care and health education should not be withheld.


What needs to be reported by healthcare workers? SATA

A. Child abuse to child services

B. A nurse sharing client's information with her neighbors.

C. Any contagious disease or suspicion of infectious disease. 

D. A colleague who comes in drunk to work. 

All of these situations need to be reported. 


•What are the common risk factors of suicide in adolescents?

•A. Previous attempts

•B. Depression

•C. Drug and alcohol abuse

•D. Disruptive and unsupportive family background

•E. Relationship conflicts

•F. Adequate coping skills

•G. Psychiatric illnesses

•H. Recent suicide or death of someone cherished

•H. The ready availability of lethal means to commit suicide.

All EXCEPT "F" are correct.


What are the qualifications to be admitted to hospice? SATA

A. To qualify for hospice the client needs to be terminal with less than 6 months to live

B. Must be a full DNR

C. Can receive radiation or chemotherapy 

D. Can receive pain meds and other comfort measures. . 

"C" is incorrect. Patient should not be on chemo., antibiotics or any other aggressive treatment


Which of the following factors may hinder nutrition in elderly. SATA

A. loose dentures, loose or rooting teeth.

B. Inability to afford quality foods

C. Social isolation

D. Chronic illness or functional disabilities

E. Poor eyesight, fatigue, malaise 

F. A, B and D are correct. 

All the factors (A - E) affects the nutrition in elderly. 

'F" is incorrect. 


What is the most appropriate intervention for Intimate Partner Violence?

A. Refer to mental health services.

B. Provide information the victim of violence on how to deescalate the situation.

C. Provide information on shelters

D. Refer to social services

C is correct.  Provide information regarding shelter

A. The victim needs immediate shelter, victim is not at fault here and must not be blamed or sent out to mental health services. 

B is incorrect because violence in most cases escalate

D. Providing shelter is a priority, social services will follow once the victim is safe. 


Some hard facts

1. Adolescent dating violence is associated with poverty, child maltreatment, witnessing intimate partner violence, lower educational level, and substance abuse. Adolescent dating violence occurs in all races, in males and females, and all regions. Adolescent dating violence may lead to violence later in life. 

2. Special shampoos are used to eradicate the lice, bed linens and towels must be washed, and all hair objects (combs, brushes, hats) should be washed well. It is not necessary to throw these items away. Hair should not be washed with very hot water due to the risk of burns. 

Facts to remember:

4. Emergency services should be called every time an epinephrine pen is administered 

5. Veterans who experienced sexual assault, harassment, or rape during service are known as military sexual trauma. It is associated with obesity, arthritis, eating disorders, substance abuse, irritable bowel syndrome, PTSD, and other mental health consequences