T or F: You should use more words than visuals on your social media page. 

False - There should be visual representations with every post. 


Why do people do fundraisers?

Fundraisers are used to raise funds for needed items, services, programs, and events.


Give three examples of community service projects you can do. 

Examples: food drives, clothes drive, service for elderly 


One of FBLA's programs is community service. Which agency do members work with to help end premature births?

March of Dimes


True or false: Jade works for her dad building a fence but receives no compensation. This counts as community service. 

False, it is not counted as community service if you are helping your parents. 


List two cons of social media. 

Examples: Can present unrealistic views of peoples lives, can be used as an effective tool for bullying. 


Give an example of a fundraiser that is a day long event. 

Example: auctions, sports tournaments, bake sale, raffle table, etc. 


Scenario (true or false): You have been given $50 dollars to go to your neighbors house and set up all of their Christmas decorations for them. This project will count for community service. 


Name the four levels of BAA's in FBLA?

Contributor, Leader, Advocate, Capstone


For a fundraiser, the advisor gives an amount of cookie dough each member has to sell. Jack doesn't sell anything but thinks he still gets to go to the state conference. What should his adviser do?

She/He should tell him he has to pay his own way there or he cannot attend with the rest of the group. 


List 10 different social media platforms. 

Examples: TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, BeReal, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Netflix, and Hulu.


What is a non profit organization?

Definition: a group organized for purposes other than generating profit and in which no part of the organization's income is distributed to its members, directors, or officers.


List 3 benefits of community service. 

Examples: good for college and job applications, increases self-confidence, and gives back value to your community. 


Name three examples of inappropriate dress attire for FBLA events.

Examples: Shorts, hats, boat shoes


Explain how FBLA "Strengthens the confidence of students in themselves and their work."

Example: FBLA allows students to explore the business world, create presentations, present them with confidence, and receive awards. Being a member also requires other chapter activities that take you out of your comfort zone.


Define social media target audience. 

Definition: a group of people that you've identified that you want to appeal to.


What are two things you should always do when selling items to a person for a fundraiser?

Examples: 1. Introduce yourself

2.Describe what you are selling

3.Tell them why you are selling it

4.Make them aware of what organization you are representing


What is the difference between direct and indirect community service activities?

Direct activities include activities such as tutoring where you are actively helping something and you can see it. Indirect is things such as helping with blood drives where you can't see who it is helping at that time, but you still know you are helping someone out there. 


Name one of FBLA's main goals as an organization. 

Examples: Develop competent, aggressive business leadership. 

Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work. 

Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise. 

Encourage members in the development of individual projects that contribute to the improvement of home, business, and community. 

Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.

Encourage and practice efficient money management. 

Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty. 

Assist students in the establishment of occupational goals. 

Facilitate the transition from school to work.


If you had to explain to someone what FBLA is and what the purpose is, how would you describe our organization?

Example: "FBLA, officially known as Future Business Leaders of America, is the high school division of a career and technical student organization (CTSO) dedicated to preparing students for careers in business."


What is the best time to post on social media? Weekdays or Weekends? Morning, Afternoon, or Evenings?

Early mornings on weekdays. 


Explain how FBLA relates to fundraising?

Fundraising teaches students the importance of setting and meeting goals, sales and marketing skills, and using leadership skills to reach out to others. All of these aspects are goals FBLA strives to teach students. Chapter fundraising is a great way to give students these skills. 


How many hours of community service is a good amount to have on your college applications?

50-200 hours


How many Colorado State Officers are there this year? 



John's FBLA chapter is hosting a sand volleyball tournament to gather funds. List three outcomes that could happen with this fundraiser. 

Examples: No teams signed up because the fundraiser wasn't advertised, some teams signed up but not a lot of money was made, or they had a lot of funds because there were lots of teams who participated.