What day do you sign off attendance in ICM?
Every Wednesday
How of should you be completing the CL Group home template?
Every day.
How often do you complete a house inspection/probe?
What are dedicated used for?
Dedicated hours are used to provided 1:1 staffing to someone we support.
How often are you supposed to review your staff's kronos?
When should the number of people change in a home?
When someone moves or passes away.
What times do you document AON logs?
11p, 1am, 3a, 5am, 7am
How often should you check/sign fire extinguishers?
When should you use dedicated hours?
When there is more than one staff in the home, that can provide 1:1 to a supported person.
How many hours of overtime can a dsp have in a week?
25hrs in a week.
How often should attendance be completed?
How often should House manager be checking Caretracker data?
If your fire drills are over 3 minutes, who should you be contacting?
J. K. Ferrell
What is in lieu of day?
In lieu of day are hours are hours that cover a person who no longer attend day program or work. These hours will soon have a shared status.
Who should be adding sick and vacation in kronos?
It everyone's responsibility to add their own time into kronos and make their supervisor aware.
When should you use Holiday?
Give a complete shift note
A concise shift note provides all daily activities of the supported individual and care needs.
Who do you call if the smoke or carbon monoxide detectors are going off?
Should you provide notes in dedicated hours?
Yes, these hours should have a full schedule of activities and care for the day. They should follow the hours in the attendance for dedicated
How far in advance does vacation time have to be submitted?
Two weeks
When should you enter comments?
When something has been edited
What 5/6 items have to be completed in Caretracker for billing to approved?
Emar, Dedicated hours, attendance, group home template, shift notes and aon logs
Where should you store old mattresses and broken furniture?
No, where. Please speak to your coordinator about contacting Junk King
Can you log dedicated hours late?
If for some reason ICM is down, someone loses access, the DSP/House manager/ coordinator can go back and complete the information.
When should you be adding schedules/transfers in kronos?
Every time you use someone else's staff.
Everytime someone works outside their schedule