Social Connections
Mental Engagement
Community Involvement
Support Services
Physical Wellness

This term refers to the state of being isolated from society, often experienced by older adults.

What is social isolation?


Reading books, solving puzzles, and learning new skills are examples of activities that help older adults maintain this aspect of mental health.

What is cognitive function?


This term refers to the act of actively participating in activities and events within one's community.

This term refers to the act of actively participating in activities and events within one's community.


This government-funded program provides health insurance coverage to eligible older adults aged 65 and older in the United States.

What is Medicare?


This low-impact exercise, originating from China, is often recommended for its benefits to balance and flexibility in older adults.

What is tai chi?


How to enhance social communication in a community?

Open dialogue 


This term describes the concept of staying mentally active and challenged throughout one's life.

What is lifelong learning?


Volunteering to serve meals at a local soup kitchen or food bank is an example of this type of community involvement.

What is charitable work?


Older adults may benefit from receiving assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation, through this type of service.

What is personal care assistance?


Engaging in regular exercise helps older adults maintain this aspect of physical health, promoting mobility and strength.

What is physical fitness?


This technology allows older adults to connect with friends and family members through video calls and messaging apps.

What is social media?


Reading books, solving puzzles, and learning new skills are examples of activities that help older adults maintain this aspect of mental health.

What is cognitive function?


This term refers to the act of older adults sharing their knowledge, skills, and experiences with younger generations.

What is mentorship?


These services provide assistance with daily tasks, allowing older adults to remain independent in their own homes.

What are home care services?


This type of exercise, which involves rhythmic movements to music, is popular among older adults for its cardiovascular benefits and social aspects.

What is dancing?