Key Terms in Community Psychology
Topic Areas
(Delinquency, Substance Abuse, and Health)
Community Interventions and Coalition Building
Prevention & Promotion
Pandora's Box (Random)
This level of the ecological model includes the individual.
What is the Microsystem
What is a Juvenile delinquent?
*Varies by state. In NC any offender 15 years of age or under.
What is citizen participation?
*Citizen involvement/engagement in community and civic organizations to accomplish commons goals.
This type of prevention prevents the actual occurrence of a specific illness, disease, or behavior
What is Primary?
What is Empowerment?
“…is a process by which people, organizations and communities gain mastery over issues of concern to them.”
Kurt Lewin created a mathematical formula to explain this concept: B=f(PxE)
What is person-environment fit?
What is risk assessment and why do we use it?
*Risk assessment is a survey tool used to determine criminogenic risk and risk for recidivating among youth and adult offenders.
What are some reasons people participate in community organizations, coalitions, etc. Name three (3) resaons.
*Internal Locus of Control – Especially those with a sense of personal power and a belief in the injustices of society *A sense of community *A perceived need for change and for coming together as a community *A feeling of the presence of enabling conditions or conditions that enhance the ability to create change (e.g. neighborliness) *Appropriate skills (e.g. leadership skills)
This type of prevention focuses on recovery or rehabilitation after disease is active
What is Tertiary?
_________ is the generalizability of the findings to everyday events and/or the larger population.
What is External Validity.
_________ is collaborative research between professionals and disadvantaged community members towards the goals of knowledge creation and social change. Community members are active participants in research.
What is Participatory Action Research?
Name three strategies Biglan et. al. used in their youth tobacco prevention program.
*Mobilization of community support for not selling *Merchant education *Change consequences for clerks selling/not selling tobacco *Publicity about clerks refusals to sell *Feedback to store owners/managers about youth tobacco sell
Describe the CureViolence program. How did the creator view violence?
*Program aimed at reducing youth/gang violence in the inner city *Heavy emphasis on community member engagement and citizen participation. *Violence as a disease.
______ and _____ are two challenges to implementing prevention programs
*Absence of problems *Can’t control other factors *Third variable problem *Devalued-> difficult to fund *Often measure related constructs (ie risks)
What are three (3) key assumptions and concerns of the empowerment theory?
*Empowerment is a multilevel construct *Interconnectedness of ecological levels *What happens in one level radiates to other levels. *Historical and cultural context matters *Longitudinal research/study of individuals, organizations, and policies are important *Participants are collaborators *Empowerment ideologies may improve the resource acquisition and development of organizations
_____,______, ______, _____, and _____ are the five systems in the ecological model
Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem.
Name three treatments for alcohol and substance abuse
*Alcoholics Anonymous – 12 Step Program *Medication *Therapeutic community programs *Cognitive Behavioral Therapy *Relapse Prevention *Harm reduction
Name and briefly describe two (2) community intervention strategies.
*Networking *Consultation *Public Policy *Education and Information Distribution
What are two ways promotion is different from prevention?
*Goes beyond prevention of problems *Enhancement of strengths *Characterizes people in terms of capacity to survive and thrive *Attempts to reframe prevention
Briefly describe the childhood obesity prevention program by Schwartz et al (2006)
*six schools(3 treatment, 3 control) *Fewer non-nutritious snacks in school *Students increased water intake, low sugar juice, fewer high calorie options *Effective for intervention schools
_____,______, ______, and _____ are the four domains of sense of community
Membership/belonging Influence Integration Emotional connection
Describe why the juvenile justice system can be viewed as a prevention/intervention program.
*Identifies youth at-risk for involvement in the criminal justice system. *Ideally, it prevent youth from becoming adult offenders *Addresses criminogenic risk factors *Provides treatment for youth offenders
Why is coalition building important? Discuss some key components of this process.
*Important to establish community partnerships and engage key stakeholders. *What is the problems/challenge being addressed. * *clear understanding of the context of the problem. *Community intervention strategies (networking, education,etc.) *Advisory boards
What are three of the five characteristics of good prevention programs identified by the Nation et al article?
*Comprehensive *Varied teaching methods *Sufficient dosage *Theory driven *Opportunities for positive relationships
What is the relationship between alcohol/substance abuse and Crime? Describe at least two(2) aspects of this problem.
*Legality (legal status) *DUIs *High rate of recidivism among adult offenders with alcohol and substance abuse disorders *Failure of the criminal justice system to treat substance abuse disorders.